Thomas Rule of Stathern 1868 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives DE 462/11
This is the last Will and Testament of me Thomas Rule of Stathern in the County of Leicester Yeoman or Grazier
That is to say that I Thomas Rule being at this time being in a delicate state of health but of sound mind memory and understanding thanks be given to God yet calling to mind the Mortality of my Body I do make and ordain this to be my last Will and Testament hereby revokeing all Wills by me heretofore made
That is to say that after the payment of all my just debts testamentary and funeral expenses I give bequeath and devise to my beloved wife Elizabeth Rule the whole of my personal property namely Moneys or Securities for moneys with all my household furniture Brewing Dairying utensils and all other my effects whatsoever and wheresoever the same may be
I also give bequeath and devise to my said Wife Elizabeth Rule all the Stock I may be Possest of at the time of my decease namely all my Beasts Sheep Pigs Horses with my Carriages together with all my implements of husbandry and that she shall have the sole use of them dureing her natural life and I do hereby nominate constitute and apoint my said Wife Elizabeth Rule sole Executrix to this my last Will and Testament dureing her life and after the decease of my said Wife my Will is that I give to my beloved Daughter Rachael Bramley Wife of Samuel Bramley of Stathern all and the whole of my personal property which is heretofore named or mentioned in this my Will or whatever may be left of the same at the decease of my Wife but my Will is that the said Rachael Bramley shall pay out of the said Property the following legacies namely
That she shall pay to my two Grandchildren namely Adah Hardy and William Henry Hardy the sum of Fifty pounds to each of them but in case one or either of these children should die before they attain the age of twenty one the remaining child shall become possest of the whole of the two Legacys but my Will is that Adah Hardy when she shall attain the age of Sixteen years shall receive Ten pounds the said Ten pounds to be deducted from her before said Legacy and my Will is that dureing their minority that their Father George Hardy shall receive the Interest ariseing from the said Legacys towards the bringing up of the said children until they attain the age of twenty one at which time they shall be entitled to receive the said Legacys and my Will is that the aforesaid William Henry Hardy shall on attaining the age of Sixteen years receive Ten pounds also to be deducted from his aforesaid Legacy
And I further give and bequeath to Ann Eason the sum of Five pounds also I give to William Eason both of Syerson near Newark the sum of Five pounds they being niece and nephew of my beloved Wife Elizabeth Rule
And I further give and Bequeath to my son in law George Hardy the Husband of my late daughter Sarah Hardy the sum of Forty pounds
And further I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint and leave Mr John Sumner and Mr George Caunt In trust for the execution of this Will before or after the decease of my aforesaid Wife and that any expences that may occur to them in the execution of this shall be reimbursed to them out of the said Property
In Witness whereof I the said Testator to this my last Will and Testament in the presence of us present at the same time and subscribed by us in the presence of the Testator have hereunto subscribed our names this Tenth day of June One thousand eight hundred and sixty seven
Thomas Rule his mark Testator
Witnesses to this Will
John Sumner
George Caunt
Robert Morris
In Her Majesty’s Court of Probate The District Registry at Leicester In the Goods of Thomas Rule deceased I Robert Morris of Stathern in the County of Leicester Labourer make oath and say That I am one of the subscribed Witnesses to the last Will and Testament of the said Thomas Rule late of Stathern aforesaid Yeoman or Grazier deceased the said Will being now hereunto annexed bearing date the tenth day of June in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and sixty seven And I further make oath and say that the said Testator duly executed his said Will on the said tenth day of June One thousand eight hundred and sixty seven by making his mark at the foot or end thereof as the same now appears thereon in the presence of me the said Robert Morris and of John Sumner and George Caunt the other subscribed Witness therein each of us being present at the same time and we thereupon attested and subscribed the said Will in the presence of the said Testator and of each other And I further make oath and say that previous to the execution of the said Will by the said Testator the same was read over to him by me and that he the said deceased at such time seemed fully to understand and approve of the contents of the said Will
Robert Morris
Sworn at Melton Mowbray in the said County of Leicester the twenty first day of April 1868
Before me EHM Clarke A Commissioner to administer Oaths in Chancey in England
Proved at Leicester the Second day of May 1868 by the Oath of Elizabeth Rule Widow the Relict of the deceased the sole Executrix during her life to whom Administration was granted
The Testator Thomas Rule was late of Stathern in the County of Leicester Grazier and died on the twenty third day of August 1867 at Stathern aforesaid
Under £300