Thomas Rushland of Long Clawson 1836 Administration
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1836
Bond, bound Samuel Littler of Long Clawson Grazier, John Greasley of Melton Mowbray Grocer and Robert Tyler of Melton Mowbray Ironmonger, £200, 21 June 1836, condition Sarai wife of bound Samuel Littler to produce inventory and administer estate of Thomas Rushland intestate, the right to Letters of Administration having been renounced by Frances Tryphena Rushland Widow mother and only next of kin of the deceased
The form of the Oath to the Administratrix laying her hand on the Bible or New Testament
Your Oath is that you are the natural and lawful Sister and a party entitled in distribution of the personal Estate and Effects of Thomas Rushland late of Long Clawson in the County and Archdeaconry of Leicester Yeoman deceased who made no Will as far as you know or believe and that you will duly Administer his Goods Chattels and Credits by paying his debts as far as the same will thereto extend and the law charge you And that you will make a true and perfect Inventory of all the said Goods Chattels and Credits and exhibit the same into the Registry of the Court of the Commissary of the Lord Bishop of Lincoln in and for the Archdeaconry of Leicester at the time assigned you by the said Court and render a just account of your Administration when lawfully required That the Contents of the Affidavit hereto annexed to which you have subscribed your name were and are true and that the goods chattels and credits of the said deceased do not amount in Value to the Sum of One Hundred Pounds
So help you God
On the twenty first day of June one thousand eight hundred and thirty Six the said Sarai the Wife of Samuel Littler of Long Clawson aforesaid the party applying for Letters of Administration of the effects of the above named Thomas Rushland deceased was duly sworn according to the Oath above written
Before me John S Hallifax Surrogate to the Commissary
Whereas Thomas Rushland late of Long Clawson in the County and Archdeaconry of Leicester Yeoman deceased sometime since died Intestate leaving as his Mother and only next of kin Frances Tryphena Rushland of Long Clawson aforesaid Widow and several Sisters parties entitled in distribution of his personal Estate and Effects
Now know all Men by these presents that I the said Frances Tryphena Rushland for divers good causes and considerations me thereunto especially moving Do renounce all my right title and interest in and to the Letters of Administration of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of the said deceased and to the end that this my renunciation may have its due effect in Law I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint John Stockdale Hardy Notary Public to senior exercent Proctor General of the Commissary Court of the Lord Bishop of Lincoln in and for the Archdeaconry of Leicester to be my true and lawful Proctor for me and in my name to appear before the Worshipful Christopher Hodgson Master of Arts Commissary of the Right Reverend Father in God John by divine permission Lord Bishop of Lincoln in and for the Archdeaconry of Leicester lawfully constituted his Surrogate or some other competent Judge in this behalf to exhibit this my special Proxy and pray the same and the renunciation herein contained to be admitted and made and to do and perform all other acts matters and things as shall be requisite and necessary to be done in and about the premises hereby ratifying and confirming whatever my said Proctor shall lawfully do or cause to be done in and about the premises by virtue of these presents
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the Eighteenth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty six
Francois [sic] Tryphena Rushland
Signed sealed and delivered by the said Frances Tryphena Rushland in the presence of us
John Morris
Kath Morris