Francis Sanderson of Scalford 1598 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/219/37
In the name of god amen I Francis Sanderson of Scalford in the countye of Leicester yeoman sicke in bodye but whole in minde and of good and perfect memorye thankes be to god therefore do make and ordeine this my last will and testament in maner and forme followeinge
First I bequeathe my soule to almightie god and my bodye to be buried in the churche of Scalforde aforesaid
Itm I geve and bequeath unto the poore in Scalford vs
Itm I geve unto Kateren my wife Edwarde my eldest sonne Thomas my second sonne Willm my third sonne and the child which now my wife is withall (as yet unborne) (my debts paied and my funerals discharged) all my goods and chattels moveable and unmoveable equallye to be devided amongest them
Itm I will that yf any of my sonnes departe this life before they accomplishe the age of one and twentye yeares, that his or theire porcyons shalbe equally divided amongst the reste of my children then liveinge
Itm I will that yf the child my wife is now withall and unborne be a daughter that then she shall have her portione paied unto her either at the day of her marryage or at the age of one and twenty yeares whichever shall first happen
Itm I will that my children with theire porcions shalbe ordered and disposed by the discretion of my executours and supervisors as they shall thinke moste meete and convenient
Itm I will that Willm Hartop gent and Clement Sanderson my brother shalbe executours of this my last will and testament
Itm I make and ordeine Valentine Hartope gent and Willm Bincks supervisours to this my last will
Thes beinge wittnesses
Valentyne Hartoppe
Willm Bincks
A note of such debts as are oweinge unto me Francis Sanderson
In primis oweinge by Anthonye Browne | vi li xiiis iiiid |
A note of suche debts as I owe | |
In primis to Valentine Hartope of Burton Lazers gent | xxx li |
Itm oweinge unto Willm Poole gent | xx li |
Itm owinge to Willm Dafte | xls |
Itm oweinge to Edward Holmes for iiii quarter of pease at iis iiid the stricke whereof I have twentye stricke and the reste are to … the money to be payed at Michaelmas nexte comeinge
Probate Leicester 15 August 1598