Scarborough John 1703 of Harby will and inventory

John Scarborough of Harby 1703 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1703/133

In the name of god amen I John Scarborow of Harby in the County of Lecester yeaman being sick in body but of perfect memory prased be god for it doe institute ordaine and make this my last will and testament in maner and form following

First I give to my Son John Scarborow the house that I now dweleth in and all therunto belonging and allso one oxgan of land arable lying in the fields of Harby aforesaid and to his heaires for ever the other half at his mother decease or chang her name

Item I give and beqeth to my Son George Scarborow fifteen pounds of good and Lawfull mony to goe forward for him at Micalmas next coming

Item I give to my son Robard Scarborow twenty pounds of good and Lawfull mony to bee paid to him when he acomplice the age of one and twenty years of age

Item I give to my daughter Mary fifteen pounds of good and Lawfull mony to goe forward for her at my decease

Item I give to my daughter Ane Scarborow fifteen pounds of good and Lawfull mony to goe forward for her at my decease

Item I give to my daughter Elezebeth Scarborow twenty pound of good and Lawfull mony when she accomplish the age of one and twenty years

Item for all my goods unbequeathed I give and bequeath to John Scarborow and Mary Scarborow my wife whom I ordain and make my Joyntly and Lawfull Executors of this my Last will and testament forsakeing and disanulin all other wills doe make this my Last Will

In Wittnes heare I have heareunto set my hand and Seal this Sixteen day of November in the yeare of our Lord Christ one thousand seven hundred and three

                                                                                                         John Scarborow his Marke and Seale


John Harby

Samuell Roe

Elizabeth King


November 27 1703

A true and perfect Inventory of the Goods of John Scarborough of Harby deced taken and apprized by us under written

  £ s d
Impris Purse and apparill & the hous & 2 Tables 1 00 00
Itm parler & chamber Goods and lumber 0 11 04
Itm for Brass & Pewter & three Cowes and a Heiffer 5 14 00
Itm for a Sow Piggs & a Swine and Corn & Hay 4 19 06
Item for Wheat Land & Clodds & things unseen 1 06 10
  13 11 08

Ralph Whittle     )

Wm King              )

Jno Broadbank   )  Apprizers

Samuell Roe       )

Probate 9 March 1703/4