Joan Seabrook of Long Clawson 1659 Will
The National Archives PROB 11/295/404
In the Name of God Amen September the nineteenth in the yeare of our Lord Christ 1658 I Jone Seabrooke of Claxton otherwise called Longe Clawson in the County of Leicester being in health of body and of good and perfect memory (praised bee the Lord for the same yet knoweinge that the continuance of the time of my life here is uncertaine and most certaine it is that once I must dye or be Changed doe therefore ordaine and make this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following
First of all I give and bequeath my soule to Almighty God my Creator who gave it unto mee hopeing and verily assureinge my selfe through God his mercies and the Alsufficient merritts of Jesus Christ my onely Saviour and redeemer to bee partaker of life everlasting and my body I bequeath to the earth from [“whence” missing] it was taken to bee buried in Christian burial in the Church of Hosse in the County of Leicester aforesaid if I depart this life nigh unto that Towne at the discrecon of my executor or overseere of my Will
And … … Thomas Seabrooke of Car Cawston in the County of Nottingham gent by certain articles of agreement Indented dated and made the fourth day of May in the fifteenth yeare of our late Sovereigne Lord King Charles his Raigne made betweene the said Thomas Seabrooke of the one parte and John Poole of Birley in the County of Rutland gent of the other part trustees for mee the aforesaid Jone Seabrooke wife to the aforesaide Thomas Seabrooke did Covenant with the aforesaid John Poole that three hundred and fifty pounds should be deposited for the maintainance of me the aforesaid Jone Seabrooke dureinge my naturall life and further that I should have Liberty to dispose of the Sume of three hundred pounds of the aforesaid Sum of three hundred and fifty pounds by the last Will and Testament of me the aforesaid Joane Seabrooke the same being made in the presence of two or three Credible witnesses to which articles relacon being had it doth more fully appeare in pursuance of which aforesaid power and authority I the abovesaid Joane Seabrooke doe make this my last Will and Testament and disposeth thereof as followeth
First of all I give and bequeath Twenty pounds to bee bestowed uppon purchase of Land worth the yerely rent of twenty shillings for the use and benefit of twenty of the poorest people of Hosse aforesaid in the County of Leicester aforesaid and the rent thereof namely twenty shillings to bee paid yearely by the overseers of Hosse aforesaid (for the time being) on Monday in the Easter Weeke in the Church Porch of Hosse aforesaid whilest the world endureth to this end I give the overseers for the pore aforesaid power to make such a purchase as aforesd in the name of my Executor for the use aforesaid and hee to receive the said Sume of Twenty pounds of James Kempe of Hosse aforesaid husbandman (if hee hath not paid the same in) and untill such purchase bee made It is my Will that the aforesaid Sume of Twenty pounds remained in the hands of my Executor hee paying twenty shillings yearely to the poore aforesaid as aforesaid
Alsoe I give unto Ann Kempe Jane Kempe and Elizabeth Kempe the daughters of the aforesaid James Kempe tenne poundes a peice namely thirty pounds to them three and their Legacies to bee paid forth for their use and profit after my Executor hath received halfe a yeares rent of interest
Alsoe I give unto Mathew kempe and untoe his Sister Mary Kempe the Children of Thomas Kemp five pounds more unto each of them and if both dye before they come unto the age of one and Twenty yeares then their Legacy to Goe to James Kempe the sonne of James Kempe aforesaid
Alsoe I give unto Mary …gby of Hosse tenne poundes
Alsoe I give unto Jone [?] Julian tenne poundes
Alsoe I give unto Mary Stringer tenne poundes
Alsoe I give unto Mary Watson tenne pounds to be devided amongst her children as she thinketh good
All these above named sumes and Legacies I desire should bee paid out of the Mortgage of James Kempe aforesaid a yeare after my death
Alsoe I give unto James Julian the sonne of Gregory Julian my Seale ring
Alsoe I give unto Bartholomew Tayleby twenty pounds
Also I give unto the children of Gregory Tayleby tenne pounds
Alsoe I give tenne pounds to my Executor and overseers of my last Will and Testament and in my Executors absence to my aforesaid overseers to defray my funerall Charges
All these last menconed Legacies amounting to the sume of fifty pounds I require and enioyne Gregory Julian of Hosse aforesaid my nephew to pay to my Executor and hee to dispose of the same as I have bequeathed them out of that debt and bond whereby hee standeth bound and Mr John Poole aforesaid and to Robert Kirkby Clarke of Claxton aforesaid hee being there bound in a hundred pounds by the payment of fifty and odd poundes
Alsoe I give unto Anne Marryott of Claxton aforesaid my neece and Widdow tenne pounds which is in Henry Speede his hands Shooemaker in Grantham to dispose of amongst her daughters as shee pleaseth
Alsoe I give unto Gregory Julian of Hosse aforesaid my nephew five pounds and unto Robert Julian of Sheffeild five pounds these two last … in all tenne pounds bee in George Ray [?] his hands Tanner in Grantham where the are to receive them
Alsoe I give unto … the wife of George Ray [?] aforesaid the use of that Twenty pounds in her husbands hands and Henry Speedy his hands which … Tenne pounds
Alsoe I give unto Elizabeth Gunthorpe my neece tenne pounds
Alsoe I give unto her Sister Anne Julian tenne pounds these two last sumes are in the hands of John Gunthorpe of Hickling Gent
Alsoe I give unto Francis Melbourne sixe poundes thirteene shillings and foure pence
Alsoe I give unto John Johnson the sonne of John Johnson of Whitton in the County of Nottingham husbandman deceased six pounds thirteen shillings and foure pence
Alsoe I give unto Anne Armestronge the grandchild of my Sister Ann Kempe six poundes thirteene shillings and foure pence and if she bee dead then the last legacy to goe to my Executor this sume of Twenty pounds is in William Smithes and John Dents hands of Whitton aforesaid as appeareth by bond
Alsoe I give unto Anne Justice tenne pounds to give unto her Children as she thinketh good which sume is in her husbands hands
Alsoe I give unto Susannah the daughter of my Sister Mary Stringer tenne pounds and if she bee dead to goe to her sonne if hee bee liveing or to his Child or Children lawfully begotten and for want of these this to goe to my Executor
Alsoe I give unto my Executor tenne pounds these two last Sumes are in the hands of Richard Gill [?] of Pinchbacke in the County of Lincolne
Alsoe I give unto Ellinor Kirkby tenne pounds
Alsoe I give unto Elizabeth Kirkby tenne pounds the daughter of my kinsman Robert Kirkby of Claxton aforesaid Clerke which is in his hands and if either of them dye that these Sumes goe to the survivor and if both should dye that they got to Anne Kirkby my neece of Claxton aforesaid
Alsoe I give unto Anne Kerkby aforesaid All my Cloathes … Woollen and Lynnen my old truncks and boxes and whatsoever else is mine which is not particularly disposed of in this Will And She doe dispose of the things and goods given … and … … with her as I have enioyned and Commanded her
Alsoe it is my Will That if any Question or trouble bee … my Will and concerning the truth of the same and the Wittnesses fo the same … any Charge or damage Concerneing the same in … the truth thereof … … my Will That all such charge or damage whatsoever shalbee paid unto them by my Executor to this end I constitute ordaine and appointe and make my Loveing nephew George Tayleby Cittizen of London Harnismaker to bee the Executor of mee and of this my last Will and Testament To whom I further give thirty pounds which sume in is his hands and if hee dye without a Child then it is my Will that that thirty pounds goe to the Children of his brothers namely Bartholemew and Gregory Taylebys Children as hee thinketh good
And all the aforesaid Sumes & Legacies by mee bequeathed I give my aforesaid Executor power to receive and withal requireing and Commanding him to pay and discharge the same to the several parties herein menconed and contained according to this my Will and to this end besides what is formerly given him it is my Will further That all the Legacyes or Sumes of money by mee bequeathed shall not bee paid in by my Executor to the Legatee or Legatees untill hee hath received one halfe yeares Rent after my death that soe with this hee may prove my Will and then it is my Will That all and every one to whome I have given a Legacy or legacies (not contradicting what is before expressed) Shall receive the same every one first giveing acquittance or sufficient discharge to my Executor
Lastly I desire my nephew Gregory Julian of Hosse aforesd and my kinsman Robert Kirkby of Claxton aforesaid Clerke to bee supervisors or overseers of this my last Will and Testament desireing them to bee aiding and assisting to my Executor in the fulfilling of this my Will
Thus Revoakeing all former Wills whatsoever by mee made I doe make Constitute ordaine and appointe this to bee my last Will and Testament
Wittness my hand and Seale hereunto put the day and yeare first above written
Memorandum That before the Sealing and delivery hereof I doe … and is it my Will That Gregory Julian my Nephew of Hosse shall have eight pounds to buy a silver salt a … silver salt six silver spoones to fellow with the other six silver spoones allready given him and a silver wine Cupp to the silver beere cup already given him But I give and have given him all these on that Condicon that he leave them all to the house in that I give them to the house for ever
Alsoe it is my Will that my Executor buy and give my neece Katherine Webster a gold ring worth twenty shillings
Alsoe that my Executor buy and give unto Ellinor Julian my neece a gold ring worth twenty shillings
These three last Legacies require my Executor aforesaid to give and pay with that tenne pounds which I give unto him in my nephew Gregories hands in Hosse aforesaid because I gave that Sume unto my Executor on the Condicon to defray buy and pay these Legacies aforesaid and the other tenne pounds given to my Executor which is in Richard Gills [?] hands aforesaid I give unto him on this Condicon that hee buy and give rings with the same to whom he pleaseth
Joane Seabrooke
Read … sealed and delivered to bee the last Will and Testament of Joane Seabrooke within named in the presence of Thomas Ludlam Edward Wright John Kereby
This will was proved att London Before the Judges for probate of Wills and graunting Administracons lawfully authorized the three and twentyeth day of September in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred fifty nine by the oath of George Tayleby the Nephew of the said deceased and sole Executor named in the said Will To whome Administracon of all and singuler the goods chattells and debts of the said deceased was graunted hee being first sworne truely to … according to the tenor and effect of the said Will