William Sills of Eaton 1747 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1747
In the Name of God Amen I William Sills of Eaton in the County of Leicester farmer being weak of Body but of a Sound & perfect Memory do make this my last will and Testament
First I commend my Soul into the hands of almighty God that Gave it me and my Body I committ to the Earth to be Decently Buryed according to the Discretion of my Executor here after Named
And as to my worldly Goods, which it hath pleased God to possess me of I give and Bequeath as followeth
Impris I Give and bequeath to Elizabeth Sills my Eldest Daughter the Sum of twenty pounds of Good and Lawfull money to be paid her at the End of one year after my Decease
Allso I Give her my said Daughter Elizabeth besides the twenty pounds before mentioned the New Round Table in the parlour Also three pewter Dishes also a chest of Drawers standing in the parlour allso two pairs of Sheets the one pair flaxen Cloth and the other pair Hempin Sheets two Good Blankets & Blue Coverlid and the Sett of Blue Curtains two pillows & pillow Drawers
Item I Give and Bequeath to Ann Sills my Second Daughter the Sum of Twenty pounds of Good and Lawfull Money to be paid her when she shall accomplish the age of twenty five years
Item I Give and Bequeath to Mary Sills my youngest Daughter the Sum of Twenty pounds of Lawfull Money to be paid her when she shall Accomplish the Age of Twenty five years
Item I Give and Bequeath Unto John Sills my youngest Son that close or parcel of Ground Lying and Being in the parish of Stonesby which I have Mortgaged to Mr Wod for twenty Eight pound he my said Son John paying the said Mortgauge and the Interest that shall become Due after my Decease and he my said Son John to Enter of it and take it in to his own possession at my Decease To have and hold it for him self his heirs Executors or assigns for Ever
And my will is that if any of my three Daughters shall hapen to Dye (as God Defend) before they Accomplish their Several ages above Mentioned or before their Severall portions become Due and payable And she or they also Dye unmarried then my will is that the Survivor or Survivors of my said three Daughters shall have her or their portions Equally Divided between them but if married their husband to have their portions paid as if they was Living
Also my will is that if my said Son John shall happen to Dye (as God Defend) before he be Marryed or Settled in the world or before he be twenty one years of age then my Eldest Son William Sills to have the said Close before Mentioned & before Given to my Son John to have and to hold to himself his heirs and assigns for Ever He my said Son William Sills paying out of the said Close to my Daughter or Daughters then living five pounds apiece of Good and lawfull Money over and above their Said portions before mentioned
Also my will is that if my Son William Sills shall happen to Dye (as God defend) before he is Marryed Then my Son John to have his part & portion and Enter into his Executorship paying & performing all here in Mentioned and paying my Daughter or Daughters then living five pounds apiece as My Son William was had John Dyed
Also my will is that if any of my said Daughters or my Son John shall happen to be Sick or Lame and Unfit for Service then to have a home here in my now Dwelling house with my Son William and to have Every thing Sufficient as Meat Drink washing lodging all at my Son Williams Charge without any paying or Deduction of portion
Item I Give and Bequeath to my Eldest Son William Sills that Close or parcell of Ground lying and being in the parish of Stonesby (and the Nearest of the two to the town) I give it to him his heirs Executors or assigns for Ever
And as to all the Rest and Residue of my Goods Chattels and personall Estate I have in possession or Expectation I Give & Bequeath unto my said Eldest Son William Sills whome I make and appoint my Executor of this my last will and Testament
Also in trust and for the performance of this will to be fullfilled I make my well Beloved Brother Thomas Sills of Branston and my loving Kinsman George Blankley of Eaton my trustees and Give them full power and Authority to sell that said Close in Stonesby Lordship I gave my Son William to pay the above Mentioned Daughters portions if he my Son William shall Neglect paying them when Due or any ways Do Defraud them and to Give him my said Son the Remainder of the said Money the said Close shall be sold for
Allso my will is that my said Trustees shall have power and authority over my son John as to Cause him to let the Rent of the Close I gave him to be preserved and Kept in the hands of my said Trustees to pay the Interest and go forward towards paying the Mortgage or Lay’d out according as they shall think proper for him
In Witness hereof I sett my hand and Seal this 4 day of July 1747
William Sills
Signed and seald by the said William Sills as his last will and Testament in the presence of us who was by at the signing and sealing thereof
Tho Hourd
John Caunt
William Darby his mark
William Sills executor sworn 2 October 1747