Elizabeth Simpson of Grimston 1683 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1683
In the name of God amen February the 13th 1682 I Elizabeth Simson alis Thomasman of Grimston in the Parish of Rothley in the County of Leic widdow being sicke of body but of good & perfect memorie (praysed be the Lord for the same) doe make this my last Will & Testament in manner & forme following
First I bequeath my soule to Allmighty God my Creator hopeinge & verily assuring myselfe through God his mercies & Christ his merritts to be partaker of life everlastinge & my body I bequeath to the Earth from whence it was taken to be buried in Christian buriall at the Church yard of Grimston aforesaid at the discretion of my Executor & for my worldly Goods which it hath pleased the Lord to lend me I doe dispose of them in manner & forme following
Imprimis I give to my loveing daughter Elizabeth Barnard & her Sonne Thomas three pounds one yeare after my death & a bedstead and a feather bed which she lay on & the best Coverlid & two Blanketts & all her pillows & a Sett of Courtaines & her Chest & all that is in it & a warming pan & a Linnen wheele & the Greate pan & the Great Tub & a Reele a paire of bellows a fire Shovel & tonges a lanthhorne & three puter dishes a pott two Sacks a lethorn bagg & the great table & all my Clothes woollen & linnen & a matrice
Item I give to my Grandchild Mary Simson a bedstead & the worst of the fether beds 2 blanketts two paire of wearing Sheets & my box & the Cubberd a Matrice & twenty Shillings
Item I give to my Grandchild John Simson twenty shillings
Item I give to my Grandchild Elizabeth Hemsley twenty Shillings
Item I give to my Grandchild Ann Patchett twenty Shillings
Item I give to my three Sonnes in Law William Hemsley & John Barnard & John Patchett twelve pence apeece
Lastly I give unto my loveinge Sonne William Simson alis Thomasman all the rest of my Goods undisposed whom I make Executor of this my last Will & Testament hee paying my Legacies as I have disposed them & my funerall Charges & Debts if any be & thus I make my last Will & Testament
Wittnesse my hand & seale the day & yeare first above written
The marke & seale of Elizabeth Simson alis Thomasman
Sealed & delivered in the presence of
John Kirkby
The marke of Robert Killby
The marke of Easter Gamble
Probate 27 April 1683
44’28 1322/218
A true & perfect Inventory of the Goodes of Elizabeth Simson alis Thomasman late of Grimston in the Parish of Rothley in the county of Leic: widdow, deceased, taken March the 7th anno Dom 1682 [1682/3] by
John Kirkby
William James
£ | s | d | |
Imprimis her purse & Aparrell | 3 | 0 | 0 |
In the house | |||
Item for the fire shovel & tongues & hookes Bellowes fryinge pan & Lanthorne | 0 | 5 | 0 |
Item for pewter & Brasse | 1 | 5 | 0 |
Item 2 old Table & a forme & an old Cubbert | 0 | 10 | 0 |
Item 2 Chaires & 4 Cushings | 0 | 3 | 4 |
Item 2 little Bacon flitches | 0 | 13 | 4 |
Item 6 pounds of Hay | 0 | 4 | 0 |
In the Parlour | |||
Item for 2 old Bedsteads 2 Coffers & a box | 1 | 0 | 0 |
Item 2 old featherbeds 2 Coverlids 4 Blanketts 5 paire & an odde one of | |||
Sheets 3 pillowbears 2 Napkins 2 table clothes 4 pillows | 2 | 6 | 8 |
It 4 old Tubs 3 barills an old salting trough 3 pailes & some Coales | 1 | 6 | 8 |
In the Chamber | |||
Item 2 old Bedsteads a Linnen wheele & a Reele & some Cheese & a strike | |||
2 sacks 4 baggs | 0 | 16 | 0 |
Item for Pease | 1 | 0 | 0 |
Item for moneyes in bond | 7 | 0 | 0 |
Item for things unnamed & forgotten | 0 | 2 | 6 |
The Summe totall is | 19 | 12 | 6 |