John Skellett of Plungar 1685 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1685/109
In the Name of God Amen I John Skellett of Plungar in the Countie of Leicester Miller the Seventeeth Day of March Anoq Dni Dei 1683 Doe make & ordaine this my Last Will and Testament in maner & forme following (vizt)
I give, bequeath & comitt my Soule to Almighty God that gave it mee hopeing to be saved by the Merrits of Jesus Christ my onely Savior & Redeemer & my Body to the Earth in Decent Buriall at the Chardge of my Executor and as for my worldly Estate I give Devise & Bequeath as followeth (vizt)
Imprimis I give Devise & bequeath to Marie my Loveing Wife all that my Messuage house or Tenement and all that Land Meadow comon Tething grass & comon of Pasture in the Towne fields & precincts of Plungar aforesd which I Lately Purchased of one Thomas Simpson with evrie the appurtenances and alsoe all that my Wind Mill with the Appurtenances in the fields & precincts of Barkston in the sd Countie of Leic which I Lately purchased of one Solomon Nixon till my eldest Daughter Marie accomplish the age of Twenty years & then the Third part or value of the sd house Lands & Mill to be & Redound to the use of the sd Marie my Daughter for ever & one other third part of value of the said house lands & Mill to the use of Ane my youngest Daughter for ever when she shall accomplish the age of Twenty years & the other third part or Value to the use & behoof my Marie my Loveing wife dureing her natureall Life in full Satisfaction of her thirds in the said premises and Imediately after the Decease of Marie my wife I give Devise and bequeath all & evrie the said house Lands Mill and Premises with Thappurtances unto my Said two Daughters Marie & Ane equally to be Devided betweene them, theire heirs & assigns for ever
Item I give & bequeath to Marie my eldest Daughter one great Chest the biggest, the biggest great pann, the great Table in the Hall the frame & two Buffett formes belonging to it & one halfe headed Bedstead with the Beding & furniture belonging to it
Item I give & bequeath to my youngest Daughter Ane the Lesser Chest & one great Cubbard in the Hall & the next biggest pann and each of them three Puter Dishes & to Ane one other halfe headed Bedstead the new one with the Beding & furniture Belonging to it, all to be Delivered to them when they shall accomplish the Several ages of Twenty years a piece
All the Rest of my goods, Moneys, Cattells and Chattells whatsoever & wheresoever I give & bequeath to Mary my Loveing Wife whome I make my Sole Executrix of this my Last Will & Testament, Shee my sd Executrix Bringing upp my sd two Daughters till they shall accomplish the several ages of Twenty years a piece without any Stopage or Deduction of theire or either of theire estates & alsoe to have the Tuission of my said Daughters to theire Said ages and I Desire & Authorize my wives Brother John Heanes of Rearsbie in the sd Countie of Leicester & Brian Howitt of Plungar in the sd County of Leicester to Be Trustees & Supvissours of this my will & Testament and I humbly Crave that Mr Robert Ireland of Melton Mowbray, my Loveing friend to be an Assistant to my said Executrix and Supvisours in all cases both in Law & equity, my said executrix being at all chardges Besides paying my Debts and funerall Chardges
In Wittness to this my Last Will & Testament Revoking all other my mee made I have Sett to my hand & Seale the day & yeare above Written
John Skellet his marke
Read Seald Signed & Declared as the Last Will & Testament of the said John Skellett in the presence of
Brian Howitt
The marke of Willm Grocock
Ric: Hickson senr
Memoranda the outLineing was before the signing & Sealing hereof
Brian Howitt
The makr of Willm Grocock
Ric: Hickson Sen
July the 20th Anoq Dni 1685
A true & perfect inventorie of all the goods, Cattells, Chattels, houshould Stuffe Moneys & Credits of John Skellett Late of Plungar in the Countie of Leicester Miller Deceased, as they were Veiwed & prized by the persons whose Names are under Subscribed the day & yeare above Written
£ | s | d | |
Imprimis his Purse & Apparrill | 2 | 13 | 4 |
It in the Hall one Long table & frame two Buffett formes, one great Cubbord, one | |||
Fall Table, five Cheers, one old Salt coffer, one fire Iron, one Racon Balke, Small | |||
Hookes, one fire Shovell, one Paire of Tongs, one Paire of bellows and other | |||
Smale things theire | 2 | 1 | 0 |
It in the Parlor one halfe headed Bed Stead, two joined Chests, 2 old coffers, one | |||
Smale box, one Paire of …, & other Smale things there | 0 | 13 | 6 |
Item one Webb of flax cloth, one Webb of hemp cloth, one Webb of harden cloth | |||
& flax harden yearne | 4 | 4 | 6 |
It one Red Blanckett 2 White blancket, one Bed, cording, one paire of flax sheets, | |||
Tow paire of hemp Sheets, three paire of Wareing Sheets, 9 flax Napkins 4 | |||
Pillowbears one Table cloth one Wooll bed, one wooll … | 3 | 3 | 9 |
Item in the Chambers the Servants Bed & Beding, 23 li of fleece wooll, 11 li of | |||
Pelt Wooll, 28 li of belting Locks & Sume offal Wooll, i Kidle, i Rying sive, … one | |||
Scutle, & other Smale things theire | 2 | 0 | 0 |
Item in the other Chamber, one Old Planck, severall Cart …, one …lock, or … … | 0 | 7 | 0 |
It Pewter & Brass in & about the house (vizt) eight old pewter Dishes, one pewter | |||
Candlestick, one pewter Salt, 5 … Spoones, 1 Tinn candlestick, 1 … candlestick | 0 | 14 | 3 |
It two pot panns, 4 cetles, one warming pan, one frying pann, one pitch pott & | |||
2 Brands | 2 | 0 | 0 |
Item in the Deary 3 boles, 1 Churne, 2 Serges, 1 …, 5 formes, 1 Cheese block, | |||
1 Shelfe, Milke vessells and other Small things theire | 0 | 14 | 6 |
Item in the Store Chamber, Butter, & Cheese, & one Bacon Flicke, 1 Woollen | |||
Wheele, 2 Linning Wheels, 1 paire of plades, & keel, 1 Manner, 2 Sceps, | |||
1 flaskett and other Smale things theire | 0 | 7 | 0 |
Item Money out, uppon good Securytie | 28 | 4 | 0 |
Item Small Sumes Lent & owing & owing for comodyties | 4 | 1 | 2 |
Item two Cowes, 1 3 year old, 2 two yeare olds, 1 bad youngling, 2 Calves | 8 | 10 | 0 |
Item 12 old Sheepe & 2 Lambs | 3 | 0 | 0 |
Item 3 Smale Piggs | 1 | 0 | 0 |
Item 2 Acors of Barley growing on the ground | 4 | 0 | 0 |
Item 3 Roods of Pease growing & sum hey | 1 | 10 | 0 |
It one Mill Shaft, 2 Seall, Whips | 0 | 3 | 0 |
Item in the Barne, 2 Plancks, 3 bordes, 2 Sheepe Cribbs, 2 Laders, 2 Fold Fleakes | |||
& other Smale things | 0 | 14 | 0 |
Item one Load of Coles | 0 | 15 | 0 |
Item in & about the Dwelling house & out houses, 5 dry Tubbs, 1 Swilling Tubb, | |||
2 Brewing Tubbs, 2 Peals, 1 Pigin, I Kimmill | 0 | 8 | 6 |
Item 3 forkes, 1 Spade, 1 Pickax, & other Smale things | 0 | 4 | 0 |
Item one old Byble, one old Testament | 0 | 2 | 0 |
Item Pullin in & about the yarde | 0 | 3 | 0 |
Item things & goods, forgotten, or not seene by us | 0 | 2 | 4 |
Summa Totals | 73 | 15 | 01 |
Prizers hand & Names (vizt)
Brian Howitt
Ric: Hickson Sen
John Hayne
Exhibited 5 October 1685