William Smart of Holwell 1589 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1589/28
In the Name of God Amen The xviiith Daie of June the yeare of our Lord God 1589 and the xxxith yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Ladie Elizabeth by the grace of God of England Frannce & Ireland Queene defender of the faith &c I William Smart of Hollwell in the Countie of Leic husbandman beinge of whole mynde and in good & perfecte remembrance praised be God therefore make & ordaine this my present Testament conteynynge therein my last Will in maner & fourme followinge
First I comende my Soule into the hands of Almightie god maker of heaven & Earth &c And my bodie to be buried in the parishe Church of Abkettlebye &c
Item I bequeath to the poore of Hollwell iiis iiiid and to the poore of Abkettlebye iiis iiiid
Item I geve to John Hurst my wyves sonne halfe a quarter of Barlie & one sheepe
Item I geve his daughter one sheepe
Item I geve to everie one of Richard Brusters children one sheepe
Item I geve to Agnes Bruster my daughter in Lawe one weanynge calfe
Item I geve to everie of the children of John Hurst my Sonne in Lawe one sheepe
Item my will is that John Hurst my Sonne in Lawe & Isabell his wife my daughter or theire heires Executors or Assignes shall have & keepe my Sonne William Smarte duringe his naturall life & shall finde the said Willm Smarte meate drinke and cloathinge & all other necessaries by the sighte of John Hurst thelder John Bailiff John Hollwell & Robert Smarte In consideration whereof I will that my Sonne in Lawe John Hurst his heires Executors & Assignes shall have the childs parte of the said Willm Smart in his or their custodie & use it which is xxiii li which Sume of xxiii li I geve & bequeath to my Sonne Willm for his whole childes parte by this my last will & testament
And also my will is that if John Hurst my Sonne & Izabell his wyfe do outlive the said Willm Smarte that then they & their children shall have the said xxiii li moreover my will is that if the said John Hurst & Izabell his wife or their heires executors or Assignes shall refuse to keepe my said Sonne Willm Smarte that then they their heires executors or Assignes shall repaye & delyver into the hands of John Hurst thelder, John Bailiff, John Hollwell & Robart Smarte whome I make Overseers of this my last will & testament the said xxiii li & they theire heires Executors & Assignes shall have the bestowing of it to his use & see him provided for
Item I geve to the poore people of Abkettlebye & Warpnabie one bushell of corne
All the rest of my goods unbequeathed I geve to John Hurst my Sonne in Lawe whome I make my full & whole Executor of this my last will & testament
Theise beinge witnesses Thomas Neale Vicar there, John Hurst thelder, John Bailiff & Robart Crosse
Probate 2 October 1589