Smith Henry 1691 of Nether Broughton Will

Henry Smith of Nether Broughton 1691 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1691/61

Forasmuch as itt is appointed for all men once to die; upon the ninth day of July in the yeare of our Lord one Thousand Six hundred ninety & one, I Henry Smyth of Neather Broughton in the County of Leicester yeoman being sick & weake in body but of sound and perfect memory praised be God, do make & ordaine this my last will & testament in manner and forme following

First I bequeath my Soule into the hands of allmyghty God my maker And my body to the earth

And as for those worldly goods which itt hath pleased God to bestow upon mee; I give & bequeath as followeth

Imp: I give to my son Henry Smyth That Closse next Hickling as itt is divided with all the appurtenances to him and his heires forever, but with this proviso That if my son John Smyth do pay the sum of Fourty pounds to my son Henry of good & lawfull money within three yeares next after my decease then to my son John Smyth and his heirs for ever

It: I give unto my daughter Ailce [sic] the sum of Thirty pounds & to the value of ten pounds in househould goods

And lastly I give unto my sons John Smyth & Henry Smyth all my goods Chattels& Cattle whatsoever whom I make my Joynt executors of this my last will & testament they paying my debts legacies & funerall Charges

And I do hereby revoke all other wills

In wittnesse whereof I do hereunto sett my hand & seale the day & yeare above written

                                                                                                                Henry Smyth

Signed sealed & published in the presence of us

William Browne

William Simson

Henry Browne

The marke of John Smyth

George Browne

Probate 17 September 1691


A true and perfect Inventory of all the goods Chattels & Cattle of Henry Smyth late of Neather Broughton deceased, as they were taken valued & apprized by William Browne, George Browne, Richard Julian & others upon the Seaventeenth day of July Anno Dom 1691

Imp: His purse & apparell2100
It In the house two tables one Cubberd a land settle 3 chaires 4 buffet Stooles   
Fire iron & Rackings & such like2000
It In the best parlour one bedsted with furniture to it one table 4 Stooles   
4 Chaires a livery Cubberd & a presse Cubberd 4 Chushions5000
It In the other parlour one bedsted with furniture to itt a presse one Chest   
& a coffer and halfe a dozen cushions2100
It In the best Chamber one bedsted & furniture to itt 3 Chests & two Chaires2100
It In the little Chamber two beds & bedding 2 coffers & other lumber2000
It In the Store Chamber Corne & malt cheese & bacon & wool5000
It In the Dairy 7 panns of brasse & 2 brasse potts Eleven pewter 2 flaggons   
& other small pewter4100
It In the kitching one Lead one Cheese presse brewing vessel six barrels 5 peales   
& other utensils for housekeeping3100
It Carts & cart geares ploughs & plow geares & harrows8000
It fence trees & fould trees sheep cribs, ladders & wood plow timber swine   
troughs & other Implements for husbandry2100
It three mares & foales 2 barren mares one Gelding 2 colts 1 filley35000
It 6 cows 6 heifers 3 Calves20000
It 4 swine hoggs02100
It Hay and Corne growing upon the ground40000
It for the manure upon the Clods & plowing10000
And Lastly all things seen & unseen & forgotten  01000

William Browne

George Browne

William Simson

Bond, bound John Smith yeoman of Nether Broughton Henry Brown [sic] yeoman of Nether Broughton 7 September 1691, condition bound John and Henry Smith to execute last will of Henry Smith their father late of Nether Broughton

                                                                                                                Signum Johis Smith                                                                                                                 Henry Smith