Thomas Smith of Nether Broughton 1613 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/236/64
In the name of god Amen the fourthe daye of Maye In the yeare of our lorde god one thousande Sixe hundred and thirteene I Thomas Smythe of Neather Broughton in the Countie of Leicester yeoman sicke in bodie but whole in mynde (thankes be to god) doe ordeyne and make this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme followinge
First I Comitt my soule to Allmyghtie god &c
Imprimis I geve and bequeathe unto my sonne Marke Smyhte fyve markes in moneye goodes or Cattell
Itm I geeve and bequeathe unto my sonne Thomas Smythe fyve poundes on moneye goodes or Cattell
Itm I geeve and bequeathe unto my aforesaide sonne Thomas Smythe one heafer one Ewe and a lambe and one lambe hogge
Itm I geeve and bequeath unto my sonne Willm Smythe xiid
Itm I make my wieffe and my sonne Eaverett Smythe myne Executors of this my laste Will and Testament
Itm I also geeve unto the Church of Neather Broughton xiid
The reste residewe of my goods unbequeathed I doe geeve unto myne executors
Itm Bridgett Bell my sister oweth me x li
Thomas Brokesbie
Charles Nuttall
John Smythe
Probate 10 August 1613 to Everard Smith