Thomas Smith 1656 of Eaton will
National Archives PROB 11/256/434
In the name of God Amen I Thomas Smith of Eaton in the County of Leicester Being Sicke in body butt of Perfect in memory [sic] (Thankes bee to God) doe ordaine and make this my last will and Testament The First day of June One Thousand Six hundred Fifty Three in manner and forme following
First I bequeathe my Soule into the hands of Almighty God my Maker hoping by the merritts of Jesus Christ my Redeemer to bee saved and my body to be buryed in the Churchyard of Eaton
Inprimis I give to the Church of Eaton Six Shillings Eight Pence
Item I give to the Poore of Eaton Five Shillings To bee distributed to them upon St Thomas Day by my Executor yearely during her Naturall life
Item I give unto Lawrence Beellsby and his wife Tenn Pounds To bee payd within halfe a yeare after my decease
Item I give to William Dodslie and his wife Tenn Pounds To bee payed within Twelve Moneths after my decease
Item I give unto Abraham Snape Tenn Pounds To be Payed within a twelve Moneth after my decease
Item I give unto Arthur Lee Five Shillings
I give unto George Blankly and his Wife Five Pounds To bee Payd a yeare and halfe after my Decease
I give unto George Blancklyes Children Tenn Pounds To bee equally divided amongst them To bee Payd Two yeares after my Decease
I give unto Thomas Blanckly The horse trough
Item I give unto Hugh Hickston Tenn Shillings
Item I give unto the Children of Jane Grococke deceased Tenn Shillings apeece
I give unto William Grococke Tenn Shillings To bee Payd two yeares after my Decease Jane Grococke the like time
I give unto Mabell Dalbyes Children Tenn Shillings apeece To bee Payed a yeare after my Decease
I give unto Richard Langlyes Children Tenn Shillings To bee divided amongst them
I give unto Peter Langlyes Children Tenn Shillings
Item I give unto William Hicksons Children Five Shillings a Peece
I give unto my God Children Twelve Pence a Peece
Item I give Unto Elizabeth Dodsly a Bedstead and a feather Bedd To bee delivered unto her att my Executors Decease And Two Peeces of Pewter
I give unto Thomas Wrighte the younger Five Shillings
Item to John Handlye Five Shillings
Item I give unto George Spibye Twelve Pence
Item to Elizabeth Rudding Twelve Pence
Item to Thomas Towers Twelve Pence
Item to Thomas Marshall Twelve Pence
All the rest of my Goods I give unto Milliscent my beloved Wife whom I make my Sole heire and Executor of this my last Will and Testament my Funerall Discharged And my body Decently brought to the Ground
In Witness whereof I have sett to my hand and Seal The Day and yeare above Written
Thomas Smiths marke
Published for the last Will of the Testator in the Presence of
Thomas Wright
George Blancklyes marke
This will was Proved at London The Fower and Twentieth Day of the moneth of June In the yeare of our Lord God One Thousand Six hundred Fifty and Six Before the Judges for Probate of Wills and granting Administracons lawfully authorized By the Oath of Milliscent the Relict & Sole Executrix named in the said Will To whom Administracon of all and singuler the goods Chattells and Debts of the said Deced Shee being first Sworne by Commission well and truly to Admer the same