Smith William 1595 of Long Clawson will and inventory

William Smith of Long Clawson 1595 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/216/43

In the name of god Amen the nyntenth day of Aprill in the Seaven and thirthth daye of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lady Elizabeth by the grace of god of Englande France & Irelande Queene defendrysse of the fayth etc et ao dni 1595 I Willm Smyth of Claxton in the county of Leicester husbandman being sick in body but of whole & perfect memory thanks be given to god do make & ordayne this my last will & testament in maner & forme following

First I bequeath my soule to god my maker & to Jesus Christ my saviour & redeemer in whom I have a lively faith & my body to be buryed in the church yarde of Claxton aforesayd

Itm I geve to the pore mans iis

Itm I geve to Willm Smyth the sone of Richarde Smyth my sone one yoke of steares

Itm I geve to Margarett Smyth daughter of the sayd Richard Smyth one heifer

Itm I give to Elizabeth Hubberd daughter of Richarde Hubberd my sone in Lawe one heifer to be kept till it be ii yeares old by the sayd Richarde Smyth my son

Itm I give to Anne Hubberd my Daughter one ewe & a lambe

Itm to Elenor Smyth my daughter in lawe one ewe & a lambe

Itm to Richarde & Dorothy Hubberd children of the sayd Richarde Hubberd eych of them a ewe hogge

Itm to Richarde Edward & Mary Smyth children of the sayd Richarde Smyth my sone every of them one ewe hogge

Itm to Mary Johnson my goddaughter 4s iiiid

Itm to the church stock xiid

Itm I give & bequeath to Ellyn my wyfe one ewe & a lambe which to be kept upon the ferme by the sayd Richarde Smyth my sone with thincrease thereof during the naturall lyfe of the sayd Ellyn so that they exceed not the number of six

Itm I will that the sayd Ellyn my wyfe shall be kept at the charges of the sayd Richarde Smyth my sone with meate drinke lodging & apparell according to her estate & calling for & during all the tyme & terme of her naturall lyfe

Itm the interest of my ferme with all the rest of my goods unbequeathed I geve wholly to the sayd Richarde Smyth my sone in consideracon that he shall pay yearly to the sayd Ellin my wyfe during her natural life the true & iust some of sixtene shillings of lawfull Englishe money at foure severall feasts or termes in the yeare by equall & even porcons that is to say Midsomer Michaelmas Christmas & thannuciation of our Lady

Itm I will that my debts legacies & funerall be discharged by the sayd Richard Smyth my sone whom I do make my full executor of this my last will & testament & I request Richarde Hubberd my sayd sone in lawe & Robert Knott to be the overseers hereof & do give eytther of them for their paines xiid

These being Witnesses Olyver Warde Richarde Hubberd Robt Knott and Thomas Bell


The Inventory of all the goods & chattels with other riches moveable whatsoever of Willm Smyth late of Claxton in the county of Leicester husbandman deceased seene & pryced by Richard Hubberd Robt Knott & Thomas Bell of Claxton aforesayd husbandmen the xxviiith day of May in the xxxviith yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lady Elizabeth by the grace of god of Englande France & Irelande Queene defendrysse of the fayth etc 1595 as followeth

Imprimis his pursse & apparell xxs
Itm brasse & pewter within the house xxs iiiid
Itm tables, fourmes, stooles, chaires & fire Irons vs
Itm bakon vis viiid
Itm one bruing leade, tubbes, loomes & payles in the kychen vis
Itm corne in the house iiiis
Itm bedding & ii cofers within the parler xs vid
Itm two steares iii li xs
Itm two mares iii li vid
Itm foure kyne vii li
Itm three calves xxs
Itm twelve sheepe liiis iiiid
Itm three swine & iii litle piggs viis
Itm pullyn in the yarde iiis
Itm one wayne & geares, ploughe & geares harrowes yokes & teames hovell and hovell geares  
with offall wood & other implements liiis iiiid
Itm the cropp in the feelde of one yarde lande x li iis vid
Itm the interest of the lease x li
                                                          Suma totalis 44li 12s 2d  

Probate 25 September 1595