William Spencer of Nether Broughton 1578 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1578
In The name of God Amen The xxiiith of Auguste in the yere of our Lorde god 1578 I Willm Spenser of Neyther Browghton in the countie of Leicester beinge sicke in bodye but whole of mynde and in good and perfecte remembrance thankes be unto alllmightie god make and ordaine this my laste wyll and Testamente in manner and forme followinge that is to saye
Fyrste I comende my soule unto allmightie god my maker and Redemer and my body to be buried in the parishe Churche yarde of Browghton aforesaide
Also I gyve and bequiethe to Alice Browne my mother the some of vi li to be payed her att the feste of St Michaell tharchangell nexte cominge owte of the some of a … which my father Wyllm Browne doethe owe me and standethe bownden to me for the same in an obligacon bearinge date the xith daye of Februarie in the nintenthe yere of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Ladie Quene Elizabethe
It I gyve unto Ellis Browne Rycharde Browne and Wyllm Browne my father in Lawes Childeren to Ellis and Richarde eyther of them ann ewe and to Willm two ewes
It I gyve unto Joane Browne my fathers dowghter vi ewes and xxtie shillinges in monie to be payed her at Michas nexte
Itm I gyve unto the Childeren of George Foxe Edwarde Willm Eliz and Alice to everie one of them xxs and one shippe to be payde at the feaste of Ste Michaell nexte cominge by my father Wyllm Browne in the hands of Willm Hickelinge and Richarde Hande whom I wyll to be overseers of the saide goods and to putte them forwarde for the Childerens behalffe and to paye them unto the said Childeren with the increasse when they come att Lawfull age
Itm I gyve unto Henrie Browne viii shere sheepe and two … sheepe and all my woole
Itm I gyve unto Richard Hands Childeren of Hose to everie one of them a sheepe
Itm I gyve unto Thomas Wrighte and Richarde Tayler to eyther of them a sheepe
Itm I gyve unto Elizabethe Burton my Grandmother xxs to be payed her as she needs ytt
It I gyve unto Joane Browne my fathers Dowghter a greate panne
It I gyve unto Henrie Browne a littell Table
And all the reste of my howsholde stuffe I gyve them to the saide Joane Browne after my mothers deceasse
Itm I gyve unto Willm Browne my Father xxs and to Henrie Browne xxs which my grand father Willm Burton owithe me att the deathe of my Grandmother
It I gyve unto the poore manns boxe of Browghton viiid
It I gyve unto Willm Rowlston Willm Wrighte & Thomas Belton to either of them a sheepe
Itm I gyve unto Willm Hickelinge and Richarde Hande for their paines takinge to eyther of them iiis iiiid
The residue of my goods unbequiethed reservinge two sheepe to kyll at my buriall I gyve them unto Willm Browne my father whom I make my full executor of my Laste wyll and Testamente
In wittnes hereof Willm Rowlston Willm Wrighte and Thomas Belton
Probate Melton Mowbray 3 October 1578