Spreckley William 1672 of Eaton Inventory

William Spreckley of Eaton 1672 Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/73/29

A true & perfect Inventorye of all the goods mooveable & unmooveable that Willm Spreckly of Eaton late deceased husbandman estimated & praised 24 of Julie 1671 by us whose are underwritten

In pris his purse & apparrell168
In the hall an Ambrye a table & settles, a dishe penn three stoolles & Irons
about the fire0134
In the parlour one bedstead with bedding theirunto belongeinge one Chest
2 Coffers a box a presse a salting trough a leaven troughe a wheelle & a Chaire1134
Item a stone & hallfe of wooll some small linings & …1ii0
In the chamber a tubb two scepps a strike of mault & some Implements
belonginge to husbandrye068
In the dairie & butterye a brasse pott two brasse pans 4 pewter dyshes 2
Candlesticks 4 peales 3 barrells 2 bottles the brewing vessells & earthen vessells1156
Item 4 ould mares & 2 small fillies934
Item 4 Cowes 2 yerlinge heifers & 2 wained Calves916
Item 30+ sheepe & nine lambs600
Item 2 ould Carts & geers, plowe & plowe geers, harrows, sheep Cribbs, a hovell,
a ladder treys, & other implements belonginge to husbandry500
Item the Cropp of Corne & haye groweinge in the field & towne2400
Item one swine & poultry0134
Item things not seene or forgotten  016
Summa total61510

Thomas Wright

William Tinsley

Anthonie Goode marke

Exhibited 9 May 1672 Leicester