Hugh Stanwedge of Long Clawson 1588 Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/9/204
The Inventory of All the goods & Chattalls of Heughe Stanwedge of Claxston in the contie of Leic husbandman praysed by Thomas Forde Thomas H… John Flower and Richard Dafte
In the howse | |
Inpris tow potts iii pannes ii Chaffing dyshes & ii Candlesticks | vs |
Ite ii puter Chargers ii platters | vs |
In the pareler | |
Ite one arke | iiis iiiid |
Ite one payre of flaxen sheets | vis viiid |
Ite one bedhilling one mattresse ii bolsters ii pillow beares vi towels ii borde clowthes | xviiis |
In the kitchin | |
Ite one payre of mallt quernes & on payre of musterd quernes | vis viiid |
In the yerde | |
Ite ii mares | xls |
It ii steares | xxxiiis viiid |
It i Cow & ii heffers | iii li |
Ite xiii sheepe | xxvis viiid |
Ite ii ewes | vis |
Ite one Yron bounde Carte one teame one yoke one plow with Colter & … | xls |
Ite one wheat land | xs |
Summa | 15 li vis |
Exhibited 17 October 1588 by Elizabeth Gill als Stanwidge relict Thomas Gill