Hugh Stevens of Long Clawson 1666 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1666/149
Articles of Agreement indented had make contracted and Agreed upon (by and between Hugh Stevens of Claxton alias Longe Clauson in the Countye of Leicester yeoman on the one parte and Richard Stevens of the said Claxton alias Long Clauson in the said Countye of Leicester Husbandman (Sonne to the said Hugh Stevens) on the other part) the first day of March in the yeare of our lord 1666
Imps the said Hugh Stevens hath graunted bargained and sold and doth by theise presents graunt bargain and sell to his said Sonne Richard Stevens his Heyres Executors Administrators and Assignes: his dwelling house and all other his buildings and all his land lyinge and beeing within the towne fyelds Libertyes and precincts of Claxton aforesaid: and allsoe one Acre of meddow lyinge and beinge in Hose meddows in the said Countye of Leicester: and likewise all his stocke of Cattell: that is to say his houses beasts sheep and swine: except always and reserveing to the said Hugh Stevens fouer cowes which are allreadye marked out: Except allso and reserveing to the said Hugh Stevens and to Mary his wife dureing there lives and during the life of the longer liver of them two: halfe the profitte of the Orchyard and halfe the profitte of the garden and likewise halfe the profitte the Bees: Except and always reserveing to the said Hugh Stevens all his household goods save one paire of quernes and all his fire Irons which hee hath hereby sold to his Sonne Richard Stevens
And likewise the said Hugh Stevens hath graunted bargained and sold and doth by theise presents graunt bargain and sett to his said Sonne Richard Stevens all his corne hay carts ploughs harrowes geares cart and plough timber: and halfe his well which he hath at this time in his house: except and allwayes reserveinge to the said Hugh Stevens halfe the Oates which are in Edward Haines his barne at Remston in the Countye of Notingham
It the said Richard Stevens doth hereby for himself his Heyres Executors Administrators and Assignes and every of them Covenant graunt promise and Agree to and with his said father Hugh Stevens his executors Administrators and Assignes by theise presents: that hee the said Richard Stevens his executors Administrators and Assignes in consideration of the bargaine aforesaid shall and will well and treuly pay or cause to bee paid to his said father Hugh Stevens to his executors Administrators or Assignes the full and just sum of two hundred pounds of Lawfull English money within the time or terme of tenn yeares next and immediately inseuinge the date of theise Articles in maner followinge: that is to say twentye pounds upon the twentye ninth day of September next inseuinge the date hereof which shall bee in the yeare of our Lord on Thousand Six hundred Sixtye and seaven: and twentye pounds upon the twentye ninth day of September which shall bee in the yeare of our Lord one Thousand Six hundred sixtye and eight: and soe upon the twentye ninthe day of September in every yeare followinge for the terme of ten yeares aforesaid (untill the said sume of two hundred pounds bee paid) the like Sume of twentye pounds a yeare
It the said Richard Stevens in consideration of the bargaine aforesaid doth for himself his heyres executors Administrators and Assignes and every of them Covenant graunt promise and agree to yeild pay and deliver to his said father Hugh Stevens and to his mother Mary Stevens every yeare dureinge the term of their lives and dureinge the terme of the life of the longer liver of them two: one quarter of sweet cleane well dressed wheate and two quarters of sweet cleane and well dressed barley and allso one quarter of good Malt at two of the most usuall times or termes in the yeare (that is to say upon the five and twentyeth day of March and the twentye ninth day of September) by even and equally portions
It the said Richard Stevens in consideration of the bargaine aforesaid doth for his heyres executors administrators and assignes and every of them covenant promise and agree that his said father Hugh Stevens and his mother Mary Stevens shall and may dureing the terme of their lives and dureing the terme of the life of the longer liver of them two: have hold and inioy to there owne proper use and behoofe what Roome or Roomes (in the dwelling house where they now inhabitt) they themselves shall thinke fitte and convenient with libertye of ingresse egresse and regresse into the yard Orchyards and gardens and to take halfe the profitte of the same as aforesaid without any trouble lett or molestation from the said Richard Stevens or from any other claimeinge any rite or title in his name
It the said Richard Stevens in Consideration of the bargaine aforesaid doth for himself his executors Administrators and Assignes and every of them graunt covenant promise and agree that hee and they will and shall at his and theire owne proper costs and charges every yeare provide two lodes or more of good coles and as much gosse and as manye thornes and other fewell as his said father Hugh Stevens and his mother Mary Stevens shall have occasion to use and shall and will bringe or cause to bee brought all the said fewell home to theire dwelling house (at his and theire own costs and charges for longe as his said father Hugh Stevens and his mother Marty Stevens or either of them shall live
It the said Richard Stevens in consideration of the bargaine aforesaid doth for himself his executors administrators and assigns and every of them graunt covenant and agree to keep his said father Hugh Stevens and his mother Mary Stevens for long as they or either of them shall live foure cowes to bee kept and maintained with his and there owne cowes in the somer time and in the winter time to house the said cowes and to maintaine two of them with good hay and the other two with good straw and to give and allow the said cowes as much foder of each sort as they will eate not making spoile of it
It the said Richard Stevens in consideration of the bargaine aforesaid doth for himself his Heyres executors administrators and assigns and every of them graunt covenant promise and agree to yeld pay and deliver to his said father Hugh Stevens and to his mother Mary Stevens every yeare (during theire lives and dureing the life of the longer liver of them two) upon the twentye first day of December a fatte hogge which by the judgement of neighbours shall bee valued at a markett price to bee worth one pound thirteen shillings foure pence and shall allso every yeare give and allow to his said father Hugh Stevens and to his mother Mary Stevens dureing their lives as manye eggs as they shall have occasion to use in theire house
In Witnesse whereof the partyes first above named to theise present Articles indented have interchangeably put to theire hands and seales the day and yeare first above written
Hugh Stevens
Sealed and delivered in the presence of
Richard Austin
Henry Hebb