William Stevenson of Saxelby 1638 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1638
The Will Nuncupative of William Stevenson late of Saxelby in the Countye of Leicester Taylor declared a little before his death the Twelveth day of December Anno dni 1636 in the presence of Henry Gamble and William Stevenson the younger he being of good and perfect remembrance as here after followeth vizt
In these words
I William Stevenson being sicke in body but of good and perfect remembrance (god be praysed) doe give unto my now wyfe Marye all the goods that I have now in my possession, shee giving unto my children being six vizt Thomas Stevenson William Stevenson Anne Stevenson Theodore Stevenson Margaret Stevenson and Elizabeth Stevenson the some of Twelve pence apeece shee paying my debts and my funeral dicharged and my goods are all to little for her by reason of her old age
And doe make the sayd Marye my wife Sole Executrix of this my last will & Testament
Probate 31 August 1638