Elizabeth Stokes of Hose 1771 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1771
In the Name of God Amen December the 28 Day 1768 I Elizabeth Stokes of Hose In the County of Leicester Widower Being of Perfect Mind and Memory Thanks be Given unto God Therefore Calling into mind the Mortality of my Body and Knowing that it is appointed for all men Once to Die Do make and ordain this my Last will and Testament in manner and Form Following
First I Give to my well beloved son John Stokes Seventy pounds of Lawfull money of England and to my Grand Son William March Ten Pounds and to my Grand Daughter Elizabeth March Ten pounds and to my Grand Son John Julian Five pounds and to my Grand Son George Julian Five pounds and to my Grand Daughter Ann Bruster Five pounds and to my Grand Daughter Elizabeth Julian Five pounds
And Considering all the Rest and Residue of my Effects Bills Bonds of what Kind So ever I Give to my Son in Law William Shillcocks whom I make full and Sole Executor of this my Last will and Testament and Revoking and making Void all other Wills by me Made
In Witness hereof I have hereunto Set my Hand and Seal the Day and Year above Written
The Marke of Elizabeth Stokes
Signed Sealed and Published Pronounced and Declared by the Same Eliz: Stokes as Her Last will and Testament In the presence of Us
William Garratt
Henry Stokes
The 25th day of Oct 1771 William Shilcocks the Sole Executor within named was sworn to the due Execution hereof
Before me Thos Myddelton Surrogt