Stokes George 1662 of Wycomb Will

George Stokes of Wycomb 1662 Will

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1662        

In the name of God amen July the 27th 1659 I George Stokes of Wickham in the County of Leicester yeoman being weake of bodie (but thankes be to God) of perfect memory doe make this my last will & Testament in manner & forme following

First I bequeath my Soule into the hands of Almighty God that gave it & my bodie to be buried by the discrecon of my Executor and for my worldly goods I dispose of them in this manner that is to say

To my Eldest Son George Stokes I give & bequeath all my lands in Wickham Caldwell & Wartnaby to him & his heires forever

To my Daughter Elizabeth Smith the Sume of four pounds & one cupboard in the Parlour to be paid within one yeare after my decease

To my Daughter Margarett Hackett one Red Heiffer

To my Sons Henry & Edward I bequeath five & twenty pounds apeice to be paid them when they shall accomplish the age of one & twenty yeares

To my four smallest Children Anne Mary John & Thomas the Sume of thirty pounds apeice to be paid them when they shall accomplish the ages of one & twenty yeares

& my will is that if any of my said six last menconed children depart this life before they shall accomplish that age the Survivors shall have their porcons equally divided amongst them

I give & bequeath to five of the poorest widdowes in the Towne 12d apeice to be paid them within three months after my decease

I give to my Son & Daughter in Law Richard Beaver & Rachell Wright Ten Shillings apeice to be paid them within three moneths after my decease

I give to my Brothers Robert Stokes Henry Stokes Thomas Wright & Sister Alice Watchorne five Shillings apeice to be paid them within three months after my decease

Lastly I bequeath all my worldly Goods unbequeathed to my Eldest Son George Stokes whom I doe appoint executor of this my last Will & Testament & doe revoke all former Wills by me made

In Witnesse whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seale the day & yeare above written

                                                                                                                George Stokes

Sealed and delivered in the presence of us

Thomas Wright

Richard Bonner

Probate 3 October 1662


Bond, bound George Stokes yeoman of Dalby and John Smith tanner [or possibly farmer] of Wycomb 3 October 1662, condition bound George Stokes son and executor of George Stokes of Wycomb to execute will

                                                                                                                Geo: Stokes

                                                                                                                John Smyth