Robert Sumner of Eaton 1637 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1637/66
In the name of god Amen I Robert Sumner of Eaton in the Countye of Leycester husbandman beinge of good & perfect minde & memorye praised be the Lord therefore, doe make this my last will & testament in manner & forme followeing
First I commend my Soule into the hands of Allmightye god trustinge to be saved through the merritts death & passion of Jesus Christ my redeemer And my bodye to the earth from whence it came to be buryed in the Church of Eaton aforesaid
And I will that a Free Stone shalbe provided by my executors & laide upon my grave within foure yeare after my decease
Also I give to Tenne poore widdowes of Eaton aforesaide foure pence a piece yf they overline me, to be distributed by my executors
Itm I give to Issabell my wife Twentye shillings yearlye to be paide quarterly duringe her life by my executors, Samuell & John Sumner my sons whom I make my executors of this my last will & testament
And I doe further will that my said executors shall finde for the saide Issabell sufficient maintenance & apparel duringe her widdowe hoode
And yf Isabell my wife fortune to marrye after my decease Then shee shall have onely Tenne pounds paid unto her for her maintenance & for departinge awaye from the howse I now live in
Item I give unto Elizabeth Sumner my daughter twentye pounds of Lawfull English monye to be paid unto her within three yeares after my decease yf shee shalbe then liveinge
Itm I give unto my daughter Elizabeth one ewe & lambe to be set forth to her owne proper use before may daye next after my decease by my executors
All the rest of my goods chattels & chattels whatsoever as well moveable as unmoveable whatsoever I give to the said Samuell & John my executors, to pay my debts & Legacies with & to bring my body decently to the ground And if eyther of my sons departe this life before he marrye my meaninge is that his porcon of my goods shall goe to the survivor
In witnes whereof I have herunto sett my hand & seal the 31th of August 1637
Robart Somner
Publisht in the presence of
Thomas Wright
Willyam Wright
John Beale
Probate 3 October 1637 to Samuel and John Sumner executors
The true & perfect Inventory of Robert Sumner his goods of Eaton late deceased estimated this 29th of September 1637 by us Richard Clarke John Baylye Thomas Wright
In primis his purse & apparel | 5 li |
Itm 2 tables with frames, fourmes Chaires stoolles pewter brasse potts & pannes a Chafendishe, | |
Candlesticks, Cushions a Cubbert, potthooks, spits Cobberts a Joice tree & other implements about | |
the fyre | 8 li |
In the parlour | |
Itm one bedstead beddinge a presse 4 Coffers 4 paire of sheets hempen flaxen & harden, napkins | |
Towells & other Linnings | 5 li |
In the Chamber | |
Itm 2 bedds beddinge pillows pillowbeers yarne Cheese hacke shelves, skepps, secks, with other | |
implements there | 40s |
In the kitchin | |
Itm quernes, Tubbs, 2 Barrills, pailes, a brand Iron, kimnills, & other breweing vessells there | 50s |
Itm Coales stone troughes and a haire cloth | 3 li 6s 8d |
Itm 2 mares 3 horses & a foale | 8 li |
Itm 2 bullocks 5 kine 2 heyfers 6 Calves & a steere | 32 li |
Itm ewes & lambes & weythers | 16 li |
Itm 2 waines with geers, plowes & plowe geers, hovels, harrowes, sheep cribbes, trayes, beast | |
standings plowe timber & other implements belonginge to husbandrye | 10 li |
Itm Swine & pullen | 30s |
Itm things forgot | 3s 4d |
Itm the Croppe in the barne | 32 li |
Summa | 135 li 10s |