John Tallas of Plungar 1686 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1686/104
In the name of god amen I John Tallas of Plungar in the county of Leicester being in my perfect sences, tho aged, doe make this my last will & testament in form as followeth
Imprimis I begge of god who gave my soul, for Christ sake to pardon all my offences, & to receive it again; and I will my body to be decently buryed
Item I make my Sonne Robert Tallas Sole executor, giving to his mother, my wife, two milch cows, & six ewes & duly managing, tilling, sowing, reaping & leading the increase of one oxgang of arable land for her use onely
Item I give to my two daughters Anne & Ellen twenty pounds a piece, to be paid att the day of their marriage and in case either of them dye before, then that portion shall fall to the surviving sister, but if both dye before they are married then both their portions shall bee my Sonne Roberts
Item I give to my Sonne William Tallas a Score of ewes to be drawn out a week after my death, & twenty pounds to be paid him two years after my decease
Item I give my Sonne Thomas Tallas fifteen pounds to be paid the third year after my decease
Item I give to my Sonne Richard Tallas two horses, two mares, four cows, and a Score of sheep to be given him when he takes a farm and ten pounds to be paid att the same time, which ten pounds att three years end he shall repay to his brother Robert Tallas; and in case my Sonnes William, Thomas, or Richard, or any of them shall dye before their portions are payable, then shall my Sonne Robert with the surviving brother or brothers equally divide his or their portions between them
Item I give to my daughter Elizabeth Warriner five pounds, & to her daughter Frances Warriner forty shillings, to be paid the fourth year after my decease; and if my daughter Elizabeth dye before the time be expired, then her five pounds to be paid to her daughter Frances but if both dye before the four years are ended, then it shall fall to my Sonne Robert
Item I give to my daughter Frances Marsh five shillings to bee paid att my funerall
Lastly I give to my Sonne Robert as Sole executor all my personall Estate, goods & chattels, save onely what is before mentioned, & disposedof, and half my houshold goods, the other half I give between my wife & two daughters Anne and Ellen
And this I declare to bee my last will and testament and hereto have sett my hand & seale
November 1st 1686
John Tallas his Mark
The last will & testament of John Tallas declared in the presence of us
George Cartwright
Brian Howitt
William Caunt
December the 21st Anoq Dni 1686
A true & perfect Inventorie (then Taken) of all the goods Cattells, Chattells, and Credits (whatsoever & wheresoever) of John Tallas of Plungar in the Countie of Leicester husbandman, Deceased, viewed & prized (by the persons whose names are under written) in Manner and Forme Following, vizt
£ | s | d | |
Imprimis his Purse and Apparrell | 05 | 0 | 00 |
Item in the Hall, one Long Table & Frame, 2 Buffett Formes, one great Cubbard, | |||
one Little Table & Frame, one joined Cheere, 2 Smale Cheers, two Formes, to | |||
Smale Stools, six cushings, & other Smale things theire | 02 | 00 | 00 |
Item in the Hall Chimney, one fire ierne, 2 fire Froggs, one Raccon balke, 2 paire | |||
of Drawhooks, & other Smalle hookes, fire Shovell, fire Tongs, & Bellows, and | |||
other Smalle things theire | 00 | 10 | 00 |
Item in the first parlor, one halfe headed Bedstead, three Joyned Chests, one | |||
Wanded Cheere, three Flasketts, one old prass, one sett of Cloth collard, | |||
Curtaines & vallens, one Matteris, one paire of Sheets, one Coverlid, one | |||
Blankett, one fether bolster, two fether Pillows | 03 | 14 | 00 |
Item Linings in the said Roome, (vizt) twelve paire of flax Sheets, eight paire | |||
& a halfe of hemp Sheets, foure paire & a halfe of Harden Sheets | 09 | 10 | 06 |
Item Six flax pillowbears severall with stanneings, eight flax Napkins, 15 harden | |||
Napkins, two flax Towels, wrought, two flax table Cloths, three flax Midleing | |||
Table cloths | 02 | 07 | 06 |
Item one peice of flax cloth, 3 pieces of hemp cloth | 02 | 02 | 06 |
Item in the same Roome, one Red blankett, one White Blankett, one Matteris, | |||
foure fether pillowes | 01 | 04 | 06 |
Item in the same Roome, one Teaster bed, one Sett of Red Curtaines & Vallens, | |||
3 coverlids, one Blankett, one paire of Sheets, on fether bed, one fether | |||
Bollster, one fether pillow | 08 | 00 | 00 |
Item in the Second Parlor, one Table & frame, one Buffett forme, one Litle | |||
Drawbox table, one Chest, foure Cheers | 01 | 02 | 06 |
Item one Tester bed with the Beding thereon (vizt) one Sett of Cloth … | |||
Curtaines & vallens, one Coverlid, Two Blanketts, one paire of harden Sheets, | |||
one Matteris, one fether Bolster, one fether Pillow | 02 | 17 | 00 |
Item one Low bed, with the beding thereon (vizt) one greene bedhilling, one | |||
Blankett, one Matteris, one feather Pillow | 01 | 03 | 00 |
Item one Piece of Gray cloth, 5 yards, one yard & halfe of Cloth, cloth culld, | |||
nine yards & halfe of cloth culld, thirteene [line lost in a fold] three yard of | |||
Lining & Wooll, Sixteene Yards of white Jersey, nineteen pound of Coverlid | |||
Yerne, foure pound of woolly yerne, foure pound & a halfe of Jersy yearne | 07 | 17 | 05 |
Item in the Store chamber, 74 Cheeses, 80 pound of potted butter, two Bacon | |||
Flitches & a halfe, one Pillion Seate, three Stone of hemp, two woolin Reels, | |||
5 Lining wheeles, a Markett Maund, & other Smale things | 06 | 19 | 00 |
Item in the Servants Chamber, 2 Stubb Beds, & Beding, two Coffers & other | |||
Smale things theire | 00 | 15 | 00 |
Item Pewter & Brass in & about the House (vizt), twelve pewter Dishes, one | |||
Bason, 5 Plates or Saucers, one Pewter Flagon, Tankerd, 2 CandleSticks, | |||
4 Salts, one porringer and pewter chamberpott, one pewter Tumbler, one | |||
Duzen & a half Spoones, one Brass CandleStick, one Warming pann, and Some | |||
Smale pieces of Pewter | 03 | 05 | 00 |
Item one great brass pott, one great pann, foure Smaler pans, one frying pann, | |||
one Drippin pann and other Smale pieces of Brass | 02 | 02 | 06 |
Item in the Deary & Buttrie, 7 Barrels, one Salting Trough, six Shelves, milke | |||
Vessel, & other Smale things there | 01 | 05 | 00 |
Item in the Kitchin, one Brewing Lead, one paire of Querns, two great | |||
Brewing Tubbs, 4 …, one Swilling Tubb, one Cheese prass, one Cherne, 8 Pealls, | |||
B… Thrales, and other Smale things there | 02 | 13 | 00 |
Item in the Corne Chamber, Wheat, Malt & otemeale, one Corne Skreene, one | |||
Table Leafe, 3 Bords, eleven Secks, 3 … Ridles, 2 … …, one Strike, 2 pecks, one | |||
half peck, 4 Scutles, one Seed hopper, one Corne Shovell, forks & Rakes, and | |||
other Smale things there | 03 | 09 | 00 |
Item goods in & about the yard (vizt) seventeen hoses & Mares, young & old, | |||
& foure Foles | 80 | 00 | 00 |
Item one Bull & nine Cows | 25 | 00 | 00 |
Item seven young Bease | 14 | 00 | 00 |
Item seven Calves, neere yeare old | 05 | 05 | 00 |
Item six score & eighteen Sheepe old & young | 40 | 00 | 00 |
Item Wheat, Barley, Beans & pease & other Graine | 60 | 00 | 00 |
Item Tyth corne in the tyth Barne & yard & owing for | 16 | 00 | 00 |
Item hey in the yard, and other places | 30 | 00 | 00 |
Item nine Swine, old & young in & about the yard | 04 | 10 | 00 |
Item three Carriages and Cart Gears | 19 | 12 | 06 |
Item Plows, and Plowgears | 02 | 08 | 00 |
Item 40 Fould Fleaks, 17 fence Fleakes, foure beast cribs six horse Racks & | |||
Mangers, one horse trough of Stone, one Stone Trough and one Wood | |||
Trough for Swine | 03 | 15 | 00 |
Item two Harrow, old irne, curt Timber, & Plow timber, Hovells, & Hovell geare, | |||
Timber & old Wood in the yeard, Blow Stone, & … in the yard | 04 | 00 | 00 |
Item nine Sheep cribbs | 00 | 15 | 00 |
Item ground in the Field Sowne & to Soe | 34 | 02 | 00 |
Item Coles in & about the house & yard | 03 | 00 | 00 |
Item pulling in & about the yard | 00 | 07 | 00 |
Item things & goods forgotten or not seene by us | 00 | 03 | 06 |
Sum total | 408 | 15 | 05 |
Richard Hickson
William Gibbon
Bryan Howett
Charles Sumner
Exhibited 18 January 1686/9