The old village school closed in December 1966 at a time of great change in primary school education. All over the country smaller village schools were being joined together and the pupils from Hickling moved to a newly extended Kinoulton primary school.
We are very lucky to have a wonderful Village Hall in Hickling and we are all incredibly grateful to the many volunteers who keep things running so smoothly. It has long been the centre of village events; hired out for family parties and community groups; home to the WI and the Parish Council; venue for plays and performances; fundraising with teas, quizzes, village breakfasts and film nights. If you have any stories, photographs or information, please get in touch with us!
Originally opened as a school in 1838 it was expanded in 1877 when there were 78 pupils, the building remained in the ownership of the Church and was used as a Church Hall for a short period after the school’s closure. In 1973 plans to turn the building into a Village Hall began and the building, after some years of leasing from the Church, came under full community ownership in 1985 at a cost of £12,000.
A History of Hickling Village Hall
By John Robinson (rev’d 2022)
At a Village meeting in February 1973 the proposal for a Village Hall was launched ‘Village Hall Project’, the object was to see if the proposal carried the support of the village. An outline plan had been produced showing how the old Victorian village school building closed in 1966 and now used by St Lukes as a Church Hall might be extended and adapted for use. A committee was elected to create and execute submission of plans and proposals to Bingham Rural District Council and Department of Education and Science whom grants could be obtained from. A constitution had to be written and this was included in the Trust Deed. In March 1974 a lease was agreed, work started in October on the Hall and the ‘200 Club’ was launched.
On 6th December 1974 a ‘Lease and Trust Deed’ was signed between Rev. Leslie Harwood – Incumbent of the Benefice of Hickling, Edith Spencer of School House and Christopher Granger of The White House being the Church Wardens of the Parish of Hickling, AND William Walker of Lincoln Lodge Farm, William Lott of Hiddesen and Dorothy Windey of Elm House – The Trustees of Hickling Village Hall.
The lease was for 21 years at £26 per year.
The objective was ‘To provide suitable premises for the purpose of a Village Hall for use of the inhabitants of the Parish of Hickling without distinction of political, religious or other opinions.’
The first three months of 1975 saw individuals and organisations make a contribution in cash and kind, the building works finish, many volunteers painting the interior and bookings for the Hall commenced.
- 29th May 1975, 1st Annual General Meeting took place.
- 2nd October 1975 became a Registered Charity.
- A second hand heating system was installed.
- Two flat roof rear extensions were built with interest free loans from Committee Members and the sale of bricks to anyone.
- 28th February 1985 ‘Deed of Appointment’ was signed between William Walker of Lincoln Lodge Farm and Dorothy M Windey of Elm House, (William Lott was residing out of the country) – the Continuing Trustees and David Johnson of Havendale, John Robinson of Meadowcroft and Alan Smith of Harles Acres.
- The Hall was purchased from Southwell Diocese on 29th March 1985 for £12,000
- Grants from Rushcliffe Borough Council, Hickling Parish Council and Nat West Bank totalled £6,000.
- This then left £6000, which required a mortgage.
- The Trust document and the Trustees had to be changed to be able to secure a mortgage. The ‘Deed of Appointment’ made between William Walker and Dorothy Windey, (William Lott was residing out of the country) and David Johnson of Havendale, John Robinson of Meadowcroft and Alan Smith of Harles Acres, was executed and they were appointed Trustees under section 36 of Trustee Act 1925 to enable the purchase.
- A mortgage was secured for £6,000 which was finally paid off in June 1989.
- Following the purchase the official custodian of the Village Hall was The Charity Commission and The Lease and Trust Deed became only useful as the Trust Deed which details the management structure and trustees of the Hall.
In October 1982 Hickling Village Hall became the first Village Hall to obtain a full 7 day Licence to sell alcohol. The original Licensees were Judy Birkett (till July 1984) and Geoff Clayton (till June 1985) which changed to John Evans (July 1984 – May 1986), Gordon Chell (July 1984 – Jan 1986) and Richard Page in June 1985.
5th June 1986 Alan Smith and John Robinson were added and all three remained until the licence was not renewed in May 2002.
There have been funds raised by the Committee at various times for large maintenance items:-
- 1976: Roof space insulated
- 1981; Rear flat roof extension built.
- January 1987; The Hall’s pantile roof tiles were completely replaced and roof slope insulated.
- July 1989; The Bell Tower was repaired.
- April 1990; The rear flat roofs re-felted, re boarded and insulated.
- August 1991; new heating boiler and convector radiators.
- August 1996; the kitchen refurbished. Section of the Halls timber floor boards and joists renewed.
- August 2007; the Bell Tower structure rebuilt and re shingled.
- August 2010; the kitchen altered and completely re-equipped, the front boundary wall rebuilt, new tables and chairs, upgrading of the Hall lighting.
- August 2015; Removal of existing flat roof and an enlarged pitched roof entrance with disabled toilet facilities added and refurbishment of the existing toilets.
- August 2016; insulating of the Halls ceiling and the external walls internally, plastering and redecorating it all.
- August 2018; re-surface the car park area. Replace rooflights on the flat roofs. Replace boiler and mains gas brought into the hall.
- October 2019: Replace Hall general lighting with LED. New gas hob.
- June 2020; Sanitising stations and paper towel dispensers, deep clean – Covid – 19 regulations.
- August 2020; Resurface the front entrance area with stone pavings and planters. Railings re-painted.
- October 2022; Rear flat roof re felted – 20 year guarantee. Rear bar door replaced. Sliding door gear to chair store replaced.
There have been successful grant applications to various bodies which have helped with these items.
The Village Hall is maintained by hall lettings, fund raising events and grants, by a volunteer Committee and Trustees.
The Village Hall has been and is used by Village groups such as; Play School, Toddlers, Drama Group, Sunday School, Girl Guides, Scouts, Silver Jubilee, Women’s Institute, Youth Club, Table Tennis, Parish Council, Yoga, Keep fit, Pre-school, Cricket Club, ballroom dancing.
Gwen’s Bench:

Gwen Cane was a great supporter of the Village Hall and its activities from its earliest days. With the fondest memories and as a tribute to her and to her wonderful work, a bench was installed in the newly landscaped area in front of the Village Hall in August 2020.
Hickling Village Hall: Officers 1973-2022
Chairman | Treasurer | Secretary | Booking Secretary | 150 Club |
1973 William Walker | Chris Granger | William Lott | ||
1974 William Walker | Mr JA Wortley | William Lott | (started) | |
1975 William Walker | Peter Thurman | Mr JP Burton | Dorothy Windey | Peter Thurman |
1976 Mr Groves | Peter Thurman | Mr JP Burton | Peter Thurman | |
1977 Gwen Cane | Geoff Clayton | Mr JP Burton | Alan Robson | Geoff Clayton |
1978 Peter Thurman | Geoff Clayton | Alan Robson | Geoff Clayton | |
1979 Peter Thurman | Geoff Clayton | Alan Robson | Geoff Clayton | |
1980 David Johnson | Ron Shaw | Mrs Cowland | Ron Shaw | |
1981 Geoff Clayton | Ron Shaw | Mrs Hewitt | Mrs Cowland | Ron Shaw |
1982 David Johnson | Ron Shaw | Christine Richardson | Judy Birkett | Ron Shaw |
1983 David Johnson | John Robinson | June Swingler | Judy Birkett | John Robinson |
1984 Alan Smith | John Robinson | June Swingler | Julia Evans | John Robinson |
1985 Alan Smith | John Robinson | June Swingler | Julia Evans | John Robinson |
1986 Richard Page | John Robinson | Dorothy Chahal | Julia Evans | John Robinson |
1987 Richard Page | John Robinson | Dorothy Chahal | Ted Atkins | June Swingler |
1988 Richard Page | John Robinson | Dorothy Chahal | Ted Atkins | June Swingler |
1989 Richard Page | John Robinson | Eileen Nash | Ted Atkins | John Robinson |
1990 Richard Page | John Robinson | Eileen Nash | Ted Atkins | John Robinson |
1991 Richard Page | John Robinson | Gwen Cane | Ted Atkins | John Robinson |
1992 Richard Page | John Robinson | Gwen Cane | Ted Atkins | John Robinson |
1993 Richard Page | John Robinson | Gwen Cane | Ted Atkins | John Robinson |
1994 Richard Page | John Robinson | Jan Neal | Mary Murray | Hilda Fortey |
1995 Bob Naismith | John Robinson | Debbie Chambers | Mary Murray | Hilda Fortey |
1996 Bob Naismith | John Robinson | Debbie Chambers | Mary Murray | Hilda Fortey |
1997 Tim McEwen | John Robinson | Dorothy Chahal | Mary Murray | Hilda Fortey |
1998 Tim McEwen | John Robinson | Dorothy Chahal | Mary Murray | Hilda Fortey |
1999 Tim McEwen | John Robinson | Dorothy Chahal | Kristina Gould | Hilda Fortey |
2000 Tim McEwen | John Robinson | Dorothy Chahal | Kristina Gould | Hilda Fortey |
2001 Tim McEwen | John Robinson | Dorothy Chahal | Kristina Gould | Hilda Fortey |
2002 Roger Stanley | John Robinson | Dorothy Chahal | Sue Pears | Hilda Fortey |
2003 Roger Stanley | John Robinson | Tim McEwen | Sue Sexton | Liz Vear |
2004 Roger Stanley | John Robinson | Tim McEwen | Sue Aitchenson | Liz Vear |
2005 Roger Stanley | John Robinson | Tim McEwen | Philippa Jacks | Liz Vear |
2006 Roger Stanley | John Robinson | Tim McEwen | Philippa Jacks | Liz Vear |
2007 Roger Stanley | John Robinson | Tim McEwen | Philippa Jacks | Liz Vear |
2008 Tony Hand | John Robinson | Tim McEwen | Philippa Jacks | Liz Vear |
2009 Tony Hand | John Robinson | Tim McEwen | Philippa Jacks | Liz Vear |
2010 Tony Hand | John Robinson | Tim McEwen | Philippa Jacks | Liz Vear |
2011 No Chair | John Robinson | Tim McEwen | Philippa Jacks | Liz Vear |
2012 Barbara McEwen | John Robinson | Tim McEwen | Philippa Jacks | Liz Vear |
2013 Barbara McEwen | John Robinson | Tim McEwen | Philippa Jacks | Liz Vear |
2014 Barbara McEwen | John Robinson | Tim McEwen | Philippa Jacks | Liz Vear |
2015 Barbara McEwen | John Robinson | Tim McEwen | Philippa Jacks | Liz Vear |
2016 Barbara McEwen | John Robinson | Tim McEwen | Philippa Jacks | Liz Vear |
2017 Barbara McEwen | John Robinson | Tim McEwen | Philippa Jacks | Liz Vear |
2018 Barbara McEwen | John Robinson | Tim McEwen | Philippa Jacks | Liz Vear |
2019 Barbara McEwen | John Robinson | Tim McEwen | Philippa Jacks | Liz Vear |
2020 Barbara McEwen | John Robinson | Tim McEwen | Philippa Jacks | Liz Vear |
2021 Barbara McEwen | John Robinson | Tim McEwen | Philippa Jacks | Liz Vear |
2022 Barbara McEwen | John Robinson | Tim McEwen | Philippa Jacks | Liz Vear |
This gallery is from the Wadkin Archives

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