Richard Thompson of Eaton 1661 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1661
One or two words are lost in damage to the right hand side of the top half of this will
January 11th 1647
In the name of god Amen I Richard Tompson of Eaton in the County of Leicester … somethinge weake in body but whole in mynde and of perfect goode sense and … … bee god doe make and ordaine this my last will and Testament in maner and forme following
First and before all things I Comend my soule into the mercifull hands of Allmighty God my maker hoppinge to be saved by the merits of the death and passion of Jesus Christ my redeemer and by noe other meanes and my body to the earth from whence it came to be … … in the Church of Eaton aforesaid
Item I give unto the Church of Eaton three shillings fore pence
Item I give unto the poore of Eaton three shillings fore pence
Item I give unto my son [?] William Tompson one shillinge
Item I give unto my son Thomas Tompson nyne pounds … eighte pence
Item I give unto my daughter Anne Tompson Twenty pounds & three … is … her owne and a beast of xls price in with such houshould goods as was her … to be paid to her at the age of tow & twenty yeares or as my Executor shall see …
I give unto my son Henry Tompson thirteen pownds six shillinges eight pence with … of towe sheep in the Closse to be put forth for his use at my decease & not to be paid to him till they bee one yeare of age
Item I give unto my daughter Mary Tompson Twenty pounds to be paid to her at the age of one & twenty yeares and if any of these my Children die before they come to age that then theire portion shall be distributed amongst all the rest
Item I give unto my deere & loving wife five pownds to bee paid unto her at her request and to have it at her owne use
Lickewise I give her tow sheep in the Close to have the use of them and one in the feild & a Cow of the middle sorte kepte as hee kepes his owne and a quarter of corne a strike & halfe of malte halfe a strike of wheate if in case that they doe not agree and bee parted duringe her widowhood and no longer but only the five pound & the Cow with her owne houshould stufe that shee browght & her three sheep my desire is that if they agree togather that the five pownds may remaine in the Executors hands for her to dispose of when shee will if she can better the corne yearely to bee given her
Item I give unto my sister Anne H… one shillinge to be paid her yearely the first day of lent
All the Rest of my goods movable & unmovable my debts paid & my lagacies discharged I give unto Richard Tompson my son whom I make full & sole executor of this my last will & testament the Children to be maintained upon the executors cost & charge till they been xxtie yeares of age
The mark of Richard Tompson
Sealed in the presence of us
James Levitt
Jarvis Cox
Thomas George
Probate Leicester 11 April 1661
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/55/12
A true and perfect Inventary of all and singuler the goods rights Credits and Chattles of Richard Tomson late of Eaton in the countie of Leicester deceased taken and prized the xiith day of October Ano dni 1649 by John Crosse and Willm Tomson as followeth (vizt)
Inprimis six Cowes & eight young beas | xx li |
Itm threescore & ten sheep | xxx li |
Itm 2 carts and Implements of husbandry | vi li vis viiid |
Itm tymber and wood in the yard | xxs |
Itm Corne and hay in the yard and house | x li |
Itm one table & forme in the house | xs |
Itm 2 old chaires in the house | iis |
Itm one Javelyn and one bras pot | xvs |
Itm 2 old bedsteads and one old barrel | vs |
Itm 3 tubbs & 3 pailes | vis iiiid |
Itm one fireiron with the things aboute the fire | iiis iiiid |
Summa totalis | lxxxix li viiis |
John Crosse )
Willm Tomson ) praisers
Exhibited Leicester 11 April 1661