Robert Thompson of Eaton 1600 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/221/43
In the name of god Amen The fifte daye of Aprill in the xliith yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Ladye Elizabeth by the grace of god Queene of England France and Ireland defender of the faith &c and in the yeare of our lord god 1600 I Robert Tomson of Eaton in the countye of Leicester yeoman beynge sicke in bodye but of good and perfitt remembrance thankes be geven to allmyghtie god heare doe ordayne and make this my last will and testament in manner and forme followinge
First I geve and bequeath my soule to allmightie god my maker and to Jesus Christe my onelye Saviour and redemer and my bodye to be buried in the parish church of Eaton aforesaid whensoever it shall please god to call me to his mercye
Item I geve to George Tomsonne my sonne vi li viiis iiiid to be payd him at the age of xxi yeares
Item I geve to Anne Tomson my wife iii li vis viiid
Item I geve to Anne Tomson my daughter v li to be payd at age of xxi yeares
Item I geve to Barbera Tomson my daughter xxs
Item I geve to that childe that my wife is withal yf it please god it live xxs and yf it dye then the said xxs to remaine amongest the rest of my children
Item I geve to William Tomson sonne of Thomas Tonsonne xxs
Item I geve to William Tomsonne sonne of James Tomson vis viiid
Item I geve to Elizabeth Tomson daughter of James Tomsonne vi viiid
Item I geve to Margret Tomson wyfe of James Tomson vis viiid
Item I geve to Rychard Tomsonne sonne of William Tomson vis viiid
Item I geve to James Tomsonne sonne of William Tomsonne vis viiid
Item I geve to Bridgitt Tomson daughter of William Tomson vis viiid
Item I geve to eyther of my god children xiid
Item I geve to Francis Tomson daughter of William Tomson vis viiid
Item I geve to Anne Tomsonne daughter of William Tomsonne vis viiid
Item I geve to Elizabeth Tomson daughter of William Tomson vis viiid
Item I geve to William Tomson my brother ixs
Item I geve him xs for doores locks and windows and vis viiid for hay and xvii strikes of aples to be payd by Mr Stonier person [sic] of Syston everye yeare one strike
Item I geve to Isabell Bescabye iiis iiiid
Item I will that James Tomson my brother shall not paye the ten pounds which he oweth unto me unto such time as George Tomson my sonne come to the age of xxi yeares
Item I geve to my brother John Tomson xs whom I doe make my full executor of this my last will and testament and I will that Nicholas Wildman and my brother William Tomsonne be the supervisours of this my last will and testament and I geve to eyther of them xiid for their paines
These be the witnesses
Marmaduke Fairebarne
James Tomsonne
Rafe Jacksonne
Roberte Tomson his marke
Probate Leicester 16 September 1600