William Thompson of Eaton 1593 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/214/22
In the name of god Amen the Tenthe day of Marche Anno domini 1592 and in the fyve & Twentith yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraign Ladye Elizabeth by the grace of god Queene of England Fraunce & Ireland defendresse of the Faythe &c I Willm Tompson of Eaton in the Countye of Leicester husbandman being sick in bodye, but of good & perfect memorye & Remembraunce (god be praysed thearfore) do make & ordayne this my … Testamente Concerning hearein my last will, in maner & fourme following
First I Comende my spirytt into the mercyfull Tuicon of Almightye god my Creator, and to his sonne Jesus Christ my onelye Savyor & Redemer and my bodye to be buryed in the Churche of Eaton aforesayd
Item I gyve to the Cathedrall Church of Lincoln iiiid
Itm I gyve to the pore mens boxe of Eaton aforesayd vid
Item I gyve & Bequeath to Jeyne Tompson (my wyfe) Two kye, the best that she can choyse amongst all my kyen, with my little parlour Joyning to the Buttree with Three quarters of Corne yearlye, thone halffe Rye, and thother halffe of Barley, with all her owne pewter & Brasse with her bed and all thinges thearto belonging, so long tymes as my lease lasteth and if she happen to Marye ageyne then she is to departe away frome my Executors, with that she shall then have (Excepte the sayd two quarters of Corne) And also I will that my Executors shall (at their chardge) keepe her sayd kye bothe wintar & sumar during the sayd tyme to her proper use
Item I gyve to my daughter Marye Tompson (in full discharge & payment of her Chyldes part) xiid Curante money of Englande, & no more by Reason of my advancement latelye bestowed on her at her maryage
Itm I gyve to Jeyne Tompson my daughter Twentye yoes & Twentie lambe hogs to be delivered at Martillmas next cominge after my deceasse
Also I gyve & bequeath to the sayd Jeyne Tompson a whythared Cowe and a Rugged heared Quy
Itm I gyve to Katheryne Tompson my daughter, Twentye yoes, Twentye lambe hogges, and fyve Quy beastes, to be delivered her at Martillmas nexte with all that her iust porcon of household stuffe that was her owne mothers (my first wyfe) & myne togeather, and which I have already apointed out for her betwene the said Marye & Jeane Tompson & herselfe to be equallye devyded (my brewing lead & bordes excepted) More that I do gyve & bequeath to the sayd Katherin (my daughter) fyve markes Curante money of Englande, to be payd her at martilmas which shalbe in Anno domini 1594
Also I gyve to John Tompson & Robt Tompson (my sonnes) xiid a peece & no more, and they to holde theyme selves thearwith contentyd, in Respect of theyr partes, which before I bestowed of theym
Item I gyve & bequeathe to my sonne Thomas Tompson those three kyen of myne which latelye I dyd gyve & deliver unto him
And more I do gyve him in readye monye Thirteene Shillings & foure pence, Curante money of England
And also I do forgyve him all suche dettes as he oweth me
Itm I gyve to his sonne Willm Tompson, foure sheepe
Also I gyve & bequeathe to my sonne Willm Tompson xiid & no more, and he to hold him so sufficyentlye satisfied, in respect of that which I had before gevin him
Also I gyve him all my woode Tymber, that is lyeng in his yarde
Also I gyve to Richard Tompson my sonne, my best Table, that standeth in the hall, and to James Tompson my sonne, I gyve my other Table which is standing in the parlour
Item I gyve to every one of my godchildren vid
Also my will is that my Amblinge gelding shalbe & remayne amongst my Executors hereafter nomynated as free to thone of theme, as to thother, for so longe tyme untill they shall part their porcons, and then I will that my sayd Gelding shall after whollye remayne to my sonne James Tompson for ever, who with his brother Richard Tompson I do hearbye make my full Executors of this my last will & Testamente, to whom I do gyve all my Goodes, Cattle & Chattles, after my debtes being paide, my legacyes performed, and my funeral Expencs discharged
These being witnesse, Willm Squyar vicar of Eaton aforesaid, John Somnar & Willm Spreckley
Dettes owing to the Testator
First by Averye Leman of Stathorn gent Fortye powndes, Curante money of England, thobligacon thearof is a forfayture of fourscore pownds
Itm the sayd Averye oweth more by his bill in wryeting xx li
Itm I do Releasse … & dischardge Mr Squyer (the vicar of Eaton) of all those fyve Shillings, Curante money of England which he oweth me in respect of … paynes he hathe taken for me
Probate Leicester 11 April 1593