William Thompson of Eaton 1620 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/242/25
The top right hand corner of this will is missing, where the missing words can be at least approximately deduced from the usual format of wills of this period they have been included with quotation marks in square brackets
Decembris 16 1620
In the name of god Amen I Willyam Tompson [“of Eaton in the County of Leicester”] husbandman, sicke in bodye, but whole in mind [about six words missing] memorie, praised be god, doe make and ordeine this [“my last will and testament”] in manner and fourme followeinge
First and before all thinges [“I bequeath”] my soule into the mercifull handes of allmighty god my maker [“hoping to”] be saved by the merittes of the death and passion of Jesus Christ [“my saviour”] and by no other meanes, and my bodie to the earth from whence it Came and to be buried in the Churche of Eaton aforsd
It I give unto the Churche of Eaton iiis iiiid
It I give unto the poore of Eaton iiis iiiid
It I give unto every one of my brother Jhon [?] Tompson his Children namely Elizabeth, Willyam, Raphe, Francis, Thomas, Bridget and Marie xxs
It I give unto James Tompson my sonne vi li xiiis iiiid to be payed unto him at and uppon that daye twelvemoneth after my decease
It I give unto Bridget Henfrye my daughter x li to be payed unto hir within one twelvemoneth after my decease
It I give unto Agnes Hinde my daughter iiis iiiid
It I give unto Francis Tompson my daughter xx li to be payed unto hir within one yeare and an half after my decease
It I give unto Elizabeth Tompson my daughter xx li to be payed unto hir, within one halfe yeare after my decease
It I give unto Isabel Tompson my daughter xxx li to be payed unto hir within two yeares after my decease
It my will is that all the houshold stufe within the parlor with the pewter and brasse shall be equally divided betwixt Francis Elizabeth and Isabell my daughters
All the rest of my goods I give unto Richard Tompson my sonne, whom I make full and sole Executor of this my laste will and testament
Lastely I make and ordeine Robert Sympson and John Somner [?] Supervisors of this my laste will and testament
Witnesses herto Thomas Caunte Clerke Robert Sympson John Somner [?] with others
Probate Leicester 7 March 1620
The true and perfect Inventrye of the goods and Cattell of Willm Tomson late of Eaton deceased valued and praised by Robert Baker Robert Sympson Willm Caunte and Alexander Jarvis the 3 of January 1620
Impris his purse and apparrell | iii li vis viiid |
In the parlar | |
It 3 bedsteads and 4 Chists | ls |
It beddinge and linen | lvis |
In the hall and kitchin | |
It pewter and brasse | xlvs |
It one table with the frame and one Cubboarde with other Implements there | xxxs |
It the fire reckins, hookes and fire iron, with other Implements about the fire | vis viiid |
It tubbs payles, spites with other Implements in the kitchin | xxvis viiid |
It one olde bed stead with other Implements in the Chamber | xxiiis iiiid |
In the yarde and field | |
It quirnes, Coales, plough timber and beast standinges | xxs |
It hovells and wood | xxs |
It trayes, harrowes, and sheep Cribbes | xs |
It Corne and haye | vii li |
It Corn uppon the grounde | iii li xs |
It sheep | xxvii li |
It beasts | xiiii li |
It horses and mares | xli |
It swine | xxs |
It thinges forgotten | iiis iiiid |
Summa Tolis | lxxix li viis viiid |
Exhibited 7 March 1620/1