George Tinsley of Harby 1596 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/217/76
In the name of god Amen the xxiii day of June in the yeare of our lord god 1596 I George Tynsley of Harbie in the Countie of Lecester husbandman beyng sicke in body but yet Thankes be gevyn unto god of good and perfect Remembrance Remembring the unceryeyn houre of death to [sic] ordeyn & make this to be my last will and Testament in maner and form folowing
Fyrst I bequyeth my Sole to almighttie god the Redemer theireof by whose precious death and blood sheiding I trust to be Saved at the later day and my body to be buryed in the church of Harbie aforesaid at the end of my Seat when it shall please god to Caule me to his blessed marcey
Itm I geve and beqeyeth to Jayne my Sister iiis iiiid and to eyther of hir three children James Elizabeth and Katheren and to eyther of them a yew and a lambe at ther ages of x yeires
Itm I geve and bequyeth to Edward my brother vi li xiiis iiiid
Itm I give & bequyeth to Elizabeth my Sister vi li xiiis iiiid
Itm also I give and bequyeth unto everye god childe iiiid
All the resedew of my goodes corn and Cattels movable & unmovable Remainynge and beyng in Harbie or els where I give and bequyeth unto Jamys my Brother with the Rest of the yeres in my lease of the ferm yet to come I give also wholly unto hym he peyng my Dettes & Siynge my bodye onestlie brought to the grownd & whome lykewyse I ordeyne and maike to be my Soole executerix to see my present laist will to be well and trewlie performed
Beyng witness of the same
Ludwicke Kemp John Chester and John Haryson with others
Probate 21 March 1596/7