John Tinsley of Harby 1588 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1599
In nomine dei Amen The xxxith daye of December in the yeare 31th of her majesties raigne & in anno Dni 1588 I John Tinsley of Harbie in the Countie of Leicester husbandman beinge sicke in bodye, but of perfect mynde & memory do ordaine constitute & make this my last will & in manner & forme followinge
First I bequeath my soule to god trusting to be saved by the merits & passion of our Saviour Jesus Christ & my bodye to be buryed in the churchyard of Harbie
For my temporall Goods my mynde is I bestowe them as followeth
First I geve & bequeath to Mathew Tinsley my eldest sonne xls of lawfull Englishe money for his whole portion or childs parte
Itm I geve & bequeath Jane Tinsley my Eldest Daughter all the feathers that be in the howse
Item I geve & bequeath unto Ann … an ewe sheepe to be paid unto her at her adge of ten years yf shee live or els to stand in noe effect
The rest of all my goods moveable & unmoveable unbequeathed, my debts & legacyes payed, & my buriall discharged I geve & bequeath to five of my Children Viz Hughe, James, Edwarde, Jane & Elizabeth to be equallye devided amongst them, whom allso I do make the … executors of this my last will & testament
Itm I do make my brother John Michell Supervisor of the same
Wittnesses of the premisses
John Michel
Edward Nicolsonn
Richard Hawtoft
Probate 27 February 1588/9
Part of the text in the middle of this inventory has almost completely faded away
The Inventorie of all goods moveable & Immoveable of John Tinsley of Harbie in the Countie of Leicester husbandman late deceased prased accordinge to the inst value by Thomas Ines, Willm Blagge, & Edward Nicolson the viiith of Januarye 1588
Imprimis in his purse & his girdle | xs |
Itm formes table & paynted cloths 2 cubbards 3 chairs | xvis |
Itm in brasse 3 potts, 5 kettls, 3 panns | 3 li 13s 4d |
Itm xvi peecs of pewter, v candlesticks, one brasse morter with a pestil, one | |
chafendishe, one Schomer | xxxs |
Itm one fier Iron, one paire of gallows, one paire of tongs, one coole hatchet, | |
with pothoks | vis 8d |
Itm one chest within the Chamber, 2 bedsteads with hangings with such like implements | |
Within the Chamber | xxiiiis 4d |
Itm 3 bed steeds in the parlour | viis |
Itm 2 cheeshecks, one chest, 8 flicks of bacon & one barrell | xxiiiis |
Itm v coffers & a … | xviis |
Itm xiiii Coverleds | iiii li vs |
Itm 4 bolsters, 6 pillowes | iiis 4d |
Itm 6 paire of sheets 8 pillowbeers boordcloth | xxxs 8d |
Itm one paire of quarns, the leade, one shepe fatte, one mashfat, one paire of | |
mustard quarns | xliis |
Itm v Tubbs one gilefat, iiii payls, one swilling tubbe | xs 4d |
Itm certayne implements in the butterye & in the chamber over the butterye | xxiiis |
Itm 5 horses, 2 carts, with horse geeres | 6 li 7s 8d |
Itm all the wood about the yarde, pals & hovel props, one … with such like | 3 li 4s |
Itm 4 kine | viii li |
Itm 2 heffars | xxvis 8d |
Itm 2 bulshins | xxs |
Itm 2 yearlinge calves | xiiiis |
Itm one sucking calve | iiiis |
Itm vi shoots | xvs |
Itm one sowe & vi piggs | vis 8d |
Itm ix henns iii cocks & one capon | vs |
Itm vi … & one … | iis 4d |
Itm 2 ploughs with furnyture & other certayne implements of … | xxvis 8d |
Itm 4 ploughs … … … one axle tree … … … | viiis |
Itm the lease of the …, all the barley & hey about the yarde with all the pease | xl li |
Itm v acers of wheate | v li |
Itm xii acers of barley fallows | xls |
Itm xviii acers of pease leases | xxs |
Summa totalis | 100 li 52s 8d |