William Tinsley of Eaton 1661 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1661
November 7th 1644
In the name of god Amen I William Tinsley of Eaton in the Countie of Leicester miller being sicke in bodie but whole in minde and of good and perfect memorie (thankes be given to god) doe make and ordeine this my last will and testament in manner and forme following
First I bequeath my soule into the hands of allmightie god my maker hopinge to bee saved by the death and passion of Jesus Christ my redeemer and by noe other meanes and my bodie to the earth from whence it Cam and to bee buried in the Church or Churchyard of Eaton aforesd
Item I give to the Church of Eaton 3s4d
It I give to the poore of Eaton 3s4d
All the rest of my goods Cattell and Chattells moveable and unmoveable I give unto Aquilla my wife and William Tinsley my sonne whom I make ioynte Executors individually of this my last will and testament (provided that Aquilla my wife shall have the governement of the said goods duringe her widdowehood & noe longer)
Also I ordeine Albinde Lee of Knipton in the Countye aforesaide miller Overseer and supervisor of this my last will and testament
In witnesse whereof I have set to my hand the day and yeare first above written In the presence of these witnesses
William Tinsley signum
Tho: Caunt Clrk
Richard Tompson signum
Henry Sprecklye signum
Probate Leicester 28 November 1661
A true and perfect Inventory of all and singuler the goods rightes Creditts and Chattles of Willm Tynslie late of Eaton in the Countie of Leicester miller deceased taken valued and prized by us Alban Lee & Henry Sprecklie the sixteenth day of January Ano dni 1644 as followeth vizt
Inprimis five cowes in the yard | ix li |
Itm 4 horses | xii li xs |
Itm 28 Sheep in the feild | ix li |
Itm one old Carte & Implements for husbandry | iiii li vs |
Itm hay and Corne in the yard | iiii li vis viiid |
In the house | |
Item a bedstead with the things thereunto belonging | ii li vs |
Itm a cupboard a little table & 2 chaires | xviiis |
In the chamber | |
Item a bedstead & mattris | i li |
Itm twoe Coverlets & one blanket | i li iis |
Itm 3 paire of sheets | i li vs |
Itm an other little bedstead & twoe Coffers | xiiis iiiid |
In the buttrie | |
Item one bras pot | xs |
Itm eight pewter dishes & other brazen vessel | i li xvis |
Itm three little barrels & twoe pailes | xs |
Itm twoe tubs & other little vessells | xviis |
Summa total | xlv li iis |
Alban Lee )
Henry Spreckley ) Praisers
Exhibited Leicester 28 November 1661