Thomas Towers of Stathern 1622 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1622/42
September the xiiiith Anno dni 1619
In the name of god Amen I Thomas Towers of Statherne in the countie of Leicester in the Diocesse of Lincoln husbandman & widower being in perfect sence and memorie doe make and ordaine this my last will & testament
Inpri I bequeath my soule to all mightie god who gave it me hopeing that it shall be saved by the only meritts of Jesus Christ my only saviour and my bodie to be buried with in the Church or Church yard of Statherne aforesaid hoping of a ioyfull reserection
All the rest of my worldly goods I bequeath in manner and form following
Imprimis I give to the mother Church of Lincolne iid
It I give to the towne of Statherne towards the paring of a Causey from the goale to the Church stile iiis iiiid to be paid within three moneths after my death
Itm I give unto Thomas Greene according to my promise made unto him hearetofore tenne pounes to be paied at the feast of St John Babtist [sic] … after my decease
It I give unto Mary Dixon my sarvant fife pounds to be payd three yeares after my decease
It I give unto my brother William Towers of Barston all my apparill and one Cowe that is the whit … cow which was Richard Dixons
It I give unto my sd brother during the time of my lease those six lease I have in Plunger feeald upon the feealde lies severally and upon the falowe my little close which lyes downe in … and allsoe a loade of barly and a load of pease yearly during my lease
It I give unto Isabell Towers the daughter of William Towers one cubbard standing behind the parlor dore under the … as allsoe one Cofar standing in the Chamber over the house with …
It I give unto Thomas Towers his sonne one rearing calfe within a yeare after my decease
It I give unto the rest of his Children unnamed severally to each one iis
It I give to Robard Tales of Plunger iis
It I give to Robard Talis his wife iis and to every one of his Children severall is
It I give to every one of severall who are the children either of my brethren or sisters is if yt be demanded
It I give to Mary Dixen my sarvant is and to James Jarvisse my man iis
It I give to the 2 childeren of John Pername in Basingfeeld each of them is
It I give unto the twoe children of William … Granbe my kinseman each of them is
It I give to Isabel sister to Thomas Parnam is
It I give 2 silver spoones and a pott … … the … silver unto the sonne of Thomas Parnam if god send him one or for want of a sonne to his daughter for want of issew I give them to Edward Greene sonne to Thomas Greene of Lundon [?]
It I give to Barkhim [?] Greene my bay horce with one eye as all soe one standing bedstead in the Chamber over the house and last I give unto him one great pan which is in the possession of Annis Hixon his mother
It I give unto George Green a calfe at my executors disposing
It I give unto Annis Hixon the wife of William Hixon iis
It I give unto Elisabeth Masne [?] of Plungar vis
It I give unto John Rouse and his wife all … … to each of them is
It I give to Henry Greene the brother of Thomas Greene above named iiis iiiid
It I give to every one of my god children is if yt be demanded with in one yeare
It I give unto Isabell Barron one pige
It I give that one cofer in the outer Chamber to Francis Towers and a calfe to Thomas Towers
It I give ten shillinges to thirtie of the poorest house houlders in Statharne aforsaid to be payde them within a yeare after my decease viz teveri house houlder iiiid
It I give unto Thomasin Parnam the daughter of Thomas Parnam my nefue fife poundes towards hir portion the which monye I will shall be paid for hir yeuse into the hands of John Pernam of Bassingfeeld in Nothingham sheare or his assignes uncle to her the said Thomasin when she shall be ten yeares ould Complete
It I give my lease of my farme in Statherne and all the rest of my guds moveable and unmoveable unbequeathed my former legacies debts and funerall rights being disposed unto Thomas Pernam my sisters sonne and make him my full executor of this my last will and testiment
Witneses of this my last will and testiment
The marke of Thomas Towers Roger Derham Henry Derham the marke of William Hickson Thomas Linsle