George Villiers of Goadby Marwood 1682 Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/84/31
The Inventory of all and singular the goods Chattells and Debts of Sir George Villiers Knight and Barronett Late of Goateby Marwood In the County of Leicester Deceased taken vallued and Apprized the 28th Day of February 1681 by Mr Christopher Coles Mr Richard Coles and William Eagle
£ | s | d | |
Imprimis his purse and Aparrell vallued and apprized at | 100 | 00 | 00 |
All the mooveables in the greate Parlor vallued and apprized at | 010 | 12 | 06 |
All the mooveables in the hall at | 003 | 09 | 00 |
All the mooveables in the Little parlor at | 001 | 06 | 00 |
All the mooveables In the pantry at | 000 | 19 | 00 |
All the mooveables in the Pasetry and wet Larder at | 001 | 04 | 00 |
All the mooveables in the two brew howses at | 005 | 00 | 00 |
All the mooveables in the Washehouse at | 000 | 07 | 06 |
All the mooveables in the wine seller Ale seller and Beeare seller | 020 | 05 | 00 |
All the mooveables in the Dary and the New hall & the Cheese press in the | |||
yeard at | 002 | 16 | 00 |
All the mooveables in the bottle house with the beame and weaightes at | 003 | 15 | 00 |
All the mooveables in the greate Parlour Chamber at | 021 | 00 | 00 |
All the mooveables In the Callico Chamber and in the Greene Chamber and | |||
In the Cock Loaft | 024 | 15 | 00 |
All the mooveables in the hall Chamber at | 021 | 10 | 00 |
All the mooveables in Sir Georges Chamber | 019 | 10 | 00 |
All the mooveables in the Ladyes Closset at | 010 | 10 | 00 |
All the mooveables In the passage Chamber at | 001 | 02 | 00 |
All the mooveables in the next Red Chamber at | 006 | 07 | 00 |
All the mooveables in the Clossett within that Chamber at | 001 | 14 | 00 |
All the mooveables in the two next Red Chambers at | 008 | 18 | 00 |
All the mooveables in the Maydes Chamber and Inward Roome with the | |||
Clock at the Staires Foote at | 006 | 01 | 00 |
All the mooveables in the Captives Chamber at | 006 | 10 | 00 |
All the mooveables in the butlers Chamber at | 003 | 16 | 00 |
All the Trunkes in the house with the Linnen and other od things In them at | 030 | 00 | 00 |
All the mooveables in the two Stable Chambers | 011 | 15 | 00 |
All the mooveables in the Cheese Chamber with the butter at | 009 | 18 | 00 |
The Charriot and harnes vallued and apprized at | 010 | 00 | 00 |
The Waggon Cartes plowes Waine Drugs and Harroos at | 012 | 06 | 00 |
All the old Iroon and other Lumber In the Kill and Maulthouse at | 004 | 15 | 00 |
All the plaister stoane Latthers and slate at | 002 | 00 | 00 |
All the mault and mault screene at | 013 | 16 | … |
The sacks fence Trayes and Tressles | 001 | … | … |
The old horse all the bease sheepe hay Barley oates and pease at | 128 | … | … |
All the Pit Coale and Sea Coles at | 010 | … | … |
All things in the Stoare Chamber at | 003 | … | … |
The Roles Chearies and other things belonging to the Gardens at | 004 | 00 | 00 |
All the Swine at | 004 | 00 | 00 |
All the Wood In the yeard at | 002 | 00 | 00 |
Moneyes Due and oweing to the said Deceased at the Time of his Death | |||
the sume of | 021 | 00 | 00 |
All things forgotten and not Vallued and apprized at | 003 | 00 | 00 |
Sooo that the Whole sume of this Inventorye amounts to the Sume of | 585 | 16 | 00 |
Christopher Coles
Richard Coles
William Eagle his Marke
Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1682
Bond, bound Mary Villiers widow of Goadby Marwood, Christopher Coles of Billesdon and Richard Coles of Cottingham Northamptonshire 17 February 1681/2, condition bound Dame Mary Villiers relict and administratrix of the late Sir George Villiers baronet of Goadby Marwood intestate to produce inventory and administer estate
M Villiers
Christopher Coles
Richard Coles