Anthony Wade of Hose 1556 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1556/171
In the name of god amen the xviii daye of June the yere of our lord god mdlvi I Antone Wade of Hosse in the countye of Leicester husbandman holle of mynde & of perffett Remembrans do make thys my laste wyll & testatment in manner here Folowyng
Fyrste I bequethe my solle to allmyty god & to our ladye & to all the holy company of heven and my body to be berued in the churche yerde of Hosse
Also I wyll that Gregore my sonne shall have my farme for the tearme of my yers
Also I bequethe to Gregore my sonne the governans & the ordering of my goods in a condycon that he shall brynge up my chylldren tyll thay come to a lawfull age and then wyllyngly to delyver my chylldren ther parts acordyng … wyll
Also I bequethe to Jhone my sonne iii noblls and that to be payed within ii yers
Also I bequethe to Johne my dawtor a materys a payer of flaxen schets one cowerlett a bolster a pelow xiiis iiiid a heffer of iii yers of age a gowne & a kertell
Also I wyll that Gregore my sonne shall keep my dawtor Margarett to gaffe hyr mett and drynke & Rayment so longe as she wyll tare with hym in case she wyll nott tare but goo awaye frome hym of hyr own fre wyll and then come agane I wyll that Gregore my sonne shall take hyr and kep as he dyd before
Also I bequethe to Hare my sonne xls to be payed in ii yers
Also I bequethe to Thomas my sonne to have mette & drynke & Rayment with Gregore my sonne & ewere yere a noble for the space of vi yers and in case he goo awaye within thys vi yers then Thomas my sonne to the Reste of the mony delyverd hym at ys waye …
Also I bequethe to Lwdwoke my sonne iiii markes of mony and Wylliam & Jhone & Rychard my sonns thay to have ewere one of them iii markes of mony a pece and the mony to be payed to thes iiii at the age of xviii yers provided also yf any of them departe within the yers then that parte to goo amonge the Reste
Also I wyll that Margarette my dawtor shall have mette & drynke & Rayment as often as she goo and come I wyll that Gregore my sonne shall take hyr & keep hyr acordying to my wyll
I bequeathe to our layde of Lyncon our mother churche iiiid
I bequethe to the hye auter of Hosse viiid
Also I make my sonne Gregore my full exequetor & … and Lwdwoke Kempe to be supervyser to se my wyll performed for my dysscharge afore god
Wyttnes hereof
Rychard … vicar of Hosse Lwdwoke Kempe Robert Ge… Rychard Elsessom Gregore Russe
Inventorum omnium bonorum Antony Wayd de Hosse husbandman &c
It in primis for the aparell off the sayd Antony & his wyffe | iiii marke |
It for matereses coverleds & a bed hillynge | liis |
It for shettes | ii li vs |
It for blanketes pelows & bowlters | xxvs |
It for towels bordclothes & handnapkynges | viiis |
It for iiii coffers & iii bedstedes | iiixxs iiiid |
It for vi … & iii peylls | vis viiid |
It for bordes formes & stoulls | vis viiid |
It for a … & v … | iiis iiiid |
It for A ambre & a dishebynke | iiis iiiid |
It for ii webs off lynynge clothe | xxxxvis viiid |
It for pottes pannes & candelstykes | vi li |
It for puter | xxvis viiid |
It for vi horse & mares | vi li |
It for kye & heffers | viii li |
It for shywne | xvs |
It for geysse & hennes | xs |
It for ii spoynes & a harnese gyrdell | xs |
It for sheppe | xxs |
It for the cartes & the cartes gayres | xxxxs |
It for the hoffels & the wode that is aboute them | vis viiid |
It for the quarnes & a lead | vis viiid |
It for the ploughe & the ploughe gayres | xs |
It for A grundelston & ii harous | viiis |
It for the croppe oulde & newe | xxv li |
Summa totalis | lxvii li vs iiiid |
Wyttnes here of
Sir Rychard … vicar of Hosse
Ludwoke Kempe
Roberd G…
Rychard Elsesome
Roberd Myller
Gregore Russe