Gregory Wade of Hose 1591 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1591
In the name of god Amen in the yeare of our lord god 1591 And the third day of Aprill witnesseth that I Gregorye Wad of Hoose in the Countey of Leicester husbandman Sicke in Bodye, but Whole in mynd, & of good and perfect Remembrance, thanks be geven unto the Lord, doe Ordayn & make this my last will & Testament in maner and forme followinge, that is
Fyrst I bequeth my Sole unto allmightie god my Creator & Redemer And my Bodye to be Buried in the Church yard of Hoose
Itm I doe Bequeth unto Anthonye my Sonne all my Ryght & stat the fearme wherin I now dwell
Itm I doe geve and bequeth unto my Sonne Jams the Somme of thirtene pounds, syxe shillings Eight pence
Itm I bequeth unto my Sonne Gregorie the Somme of xiii li vis viiid
Itm I doe geve & bequeth unto Richard my Sonne the Somm of xiii li vis viiid
Itm I doe geve and bequeth unto Christopher my Sonne the Somme of xiii li vis viiid
Itm I doe geve and bequeth unto Thomas my Sonne the Somme of xiii li vis viiid
Itm I doe geve & bequeth unto Wyllm my Sonne the Somme of xiii li vis viiid
Itm I doe geve and bequeth unto Elizabeth my daughter the Somme of xviii li
Itm I doe geve and bequeth unto my daughter Agnis the Summe of xviii li
Allso my wyll is that Wyllm my Sonne and Agnis my daughter shall have the Rent of my litle house wherin Robert Daliwater now dweleth duringe the term of vi years next after my departinge
Itm I geve and bequeth unto my daughter Elner xs
Itm I geve unto my Syster Jone the Somme of xs
Itm I doe geve unto my mayden Emmet xiid
Itm I doe geve and bequeth unto everie one of my god Chyldren iid
Itm I doe geve unto Everye Cottage househould iiiid
Itm all the Residew of my goods movable and unmoveable unbequethed I doe geve unto my Sonne Anthonye, whom I doe make my full & sole Executor of this my last wyll and Testament
Allso my wyll is, that my Chyldren shall have their Portions Payd unto them att sowch tyme & tymes as Mr Colley, Jhon Hiclinge minister, Gregorye Julian & Rychard Hiclinge shall thinke mete & Convenient whom I doe Appoynt and make Overseers of this my last wyll and testament
Probate Leicester 6 May 1591
The right-hand side of the page is suffering from, probably, water damage such that it is largely no longer legible, so no attempt to transcribe those elements that can still be read
An Inventorie of all the goods & Chattells of Gregorye Wade of Hoose in the County of Leicester husbandman, valued, & priced, by … men whose names are under written the third day of May Anno Dom 1591 Thomas Mychell Rychard Hand and Rychard Hiclinge
First hys apparell with the money in his pourse
Itm the Reckings Spits and Cobberds
Itm the tables, forms, and Chears
Itm the Cushings and Paynted Clothes
Itm all the brasse and pewter
Itm three bacan flicks
Itm ii Coubbords and one Penne
Itm Seven payre of shets and one ode shete
Itm iiii Pyllowbears iii table napkyns iii towels
Itm v Coverlids, one bed hillinge, iii mattrisses
Itm iii boulsters, and vi Pyllowes
Itm one Carpet, one table Cloth
Itm Sayrtayne [?] pounds of yarne
Itm the Coffers and bedsteads
Itm one bruinge lead, with Conbs, lomms, and kyts, the querne, the trowes with other implements
Itm A wyndowinge Cloth with the sacks
Itm one Cresset, with the whells, & other implements
Itm ix kyne & vii calves
Itm viiii horses, & mars
Itm iiii draught boullockes
Itm iiii yearling Calves, & ii younge bease
Itm iiii fatte Oxen
Itm the mault & corne, threshen & to thresh
Itm the crope of heay and corne
Itm iii Carrages with all the gears, plowes, harrowes, hovills, & plow tymber
Itm the trease with other implements of wood
Itm three hives with the hearcloth
Itm the swine and Pullen
Somm Totalis is Cxxxv li xvis viiid