This gallery is from the Wadkin Archives
Please note: this is a large gallery and may take a little while to load to your screen.

W1056 Boy on a tractor (1940s?)
W1056 Boy on a tractor (1940s?)

W1057 Mr JL Laws (headmaster) & his dog (1900s?)
W1057 Mr JL Laws (headmaster) & his dog (1900s?)

W1057a Mr JL Laws (headmaster) & his dog (1900s?)
W1057a Mr JL Laws (headmaster) & his dog (1900s?)

W1057aa Mr JL Laws (headmaster) & his dog (1900s?)
W1057aa Mr JL Laws (headmaster) & his dog (1900s?)

W1058 Mr & Mrs Laws, Eric & Dorothy at The School House

W1061 John Bell Elizabeth Browne marriage certificate 1840
W1061 John Bell Elizabeth Browne marriage certificate 1840

W1062 John Bell 1860 & 1851 census
W1062 John Bell 1860 & 1851 census

W1063a John Bell codicil to Will 1876
W1063a John Bell codicil to Will 1876

W1063b John Bell anecdotes
W1063b John Bell anecdotes

W1063c John Bell Will 1855
W1063c John Bell Will 1855

W1063d John Bell Will 1855
W1063d John Bell Will 1855

W1064a Home Life in Hickling by Charles Christopher Bell 1871
W1064a Home Life in Hickling by Charles Christopher Bell 1871

W1064aa Home Life in Hickling by Charles Christopher Bell 1871
W1064aa Home Life in Hickling by Charles Christopher Bell 1871

W1064b Home Life in Hickling by Charles Christopher Bell 1871
W1064b Home Life in Hickling by Charles Christopher Bell 1871

W1064c Home Life in Hickling by Charles Christopher Bell 1871
W1064c Home Life in Hickling by Charles Christopher Bell 1871

W1065 John & Elizabeth Bell
W1065 John & Elizabeth Bell

W1065a John Bell
W1065a John Bell

W1065aa John Bell
W1065aa John Bell

W1065b Elizabeth Bell
W1065b Elizabeth Bell

W1065bb Elizabeth Bell
W1065bb Elizabeth Bell

W1066 Mr Henry Edson and Miss Daisy Wakelin
W1066 Mr Henry Edson and Miss Daisy Wakelin

W1066a Mr Henry Edson and Miss Daisy Wakelin
W1066a Mr Henry Edson and Miss Daisy Wakelin

W1066aa Mr Henry Edson and Miss Daisy Wakelin
W1066aa Mr Henry Edson and Miss Daisy Wakelin

W1066b Mr Henry Edson and Miss Daisy Wakelin
W1066b Mr Henry Edson and Miss Daisy Wakelin

W1066bb Mr Henry Edson and Miss Daisy Wakelin
W1066bb Mr Henry Edson and Miss Daisy Wakelin

W1067 Henry Dickman of Beech House (1890s?)
W1067 Henry Dickman of Beech House (1890s?)

W1067a Henry Dickman of Beech House (1890s?)
W1067a Henry Dickman of Beech House (1890s?)

W1067aa Henry Dickman of Beech House (1890s?)
W1067aa Henry Dickman of Beech House (1890s?)

W1067b Henry Dickman of Beech House (1890s?)
W1067b Henry Dickman of Beech House (1890s?)

W1068 John & Sarah Dickman and Margaret (dates?)
W1068 John & Sarah Dickman and Margaret (dates?)

W1068a John & Sarah Dickman (dates?)
W1068a John & Sarah Dickman (dates?)

W1068aa John & Sarah Dickman (dates?)
W1068aa John & Sarah Dickman (dates?)

W1068b Margaret Dickman (dates?)
W1068b Margaret Dickman (dates?)

W1068bb Margaret Dickman (dates?)
W1068bb Margaret Dickman (dates?)

W1069 John Dickman (1930s?)
W1069 John Dickman (1930s?)

W1069a John Dickman (1930s?)
W1069a John Dickman (1930s?)

W1069aa John Dickman (1930s?)
W1069aa John Dickman (1930s?)

W1070 Beech House 1920s?
W1070 Beech House 1920s?

W1070a Beech House 1920s?
W1070a Beech House 1920s?

W1070aa Beech House 1920s?
W1070aa Beech House 1920s?

W1071 Christmas Party - 1920s?
W1071 Christmas Party - 1920s?

W1071a Christmas Party - 1920s?
W1071a Christmas Party - 1920s?

W1071aa Christmas Party - 1920s?
W1071aa Christmas Party - 1920s?

W1072 Wedding photo 1928; Fred Dickman & Doris Woolley
W1072 Wedding photo 1928; Fred Dickman & Doris Woolley

W1072a Wedding photo 1928; Fred Dickman & Doris Woolley
W1072a Wedding photo 1928; Fred Dickman & Doris Woolley

W1072aa Wedding photo 1928; Fred Dickman & Doris Woolley
W1072aa Wedding photo 1928; Fred Dickman & Doris Woolley

W1073 Parr family, The Laurels 1925
W1073 Parr family, The Laurels 1925

W1073a Parr family, The Laurels 1925
W1073a Parr family, The Laurels 1925

W1073aa Parr family, The Laurels 1925
W1073aa Parr family, The Laurels 1925

W1074 The Cottage, Clawson Lane 1989
W1074 The Cottage, Clawson Lane 1989

W1074a The Cottage, Clawson Lane 1989
W1074a The Cottage, Clawson Lane 1989

W1074aa The Cottage, Clawson Lane 1989
W1074aa The Cottage, Clawson Lane 1989

W1074b The Cottage, Clawson Lane 1989
W1074b The Cottage, Clawson Lane 1989

W1074bb The Cottage, Clawson Lane 1989
W1074bb The Cottage, Clawson Lane 1989

W1075a Conveyance documents 1751-1876 Homestead/Little Close & The Wear (Weir?) - Clawson Lane junction
W1075a Conveyance documents 1751-1876 Homestead/Little Close & The Wear (Weir?) - Clawson Lane junction

W1075b Conveyance documents 1751-1876 Homestead/Little Close & The Wear (Weir?) - Clawson Lane junction
W1075b Conveyance documents 1751-1876 Homestead/Little Close & The Wear (Weir?) - Clawson Lane junction

W1075c Conveyance documents 1751-1876 Homestead/Little Close & The Wear (Weir?) - Clawson Lane junction
W1075c Conveyance documents 1751-1876 Homestead/Little Close & The Wear (Weir?) - Clawson Lane junction

W1075d Conveyance documents 1751-1876 Homestead/Little Close & The Wear (Weir?) - Clawson Lane junction
W1075d Conveyance documents 1751-1876 Homestead/Little Close & The Wear (Weir?) - Clawson Lane junction

W1075e Conveyance documents 1751-1876 Homestead/Little Close & The Wear (Weir?) - Clawson Lane junction
W1075e Conveyance documents 1751-1876 Homestead/Little Close & The Wear (Weir?) - Clawson Lane junction

W1075f Conveyance documents 1751-1876 Homestead/Little Close & The Wear (Weir?) - Clawson Lane junction
W1075f Conveyance documents 1751-1876 Homestead/Little Close & The Wear (Weir?) - Clawson Lane junction

W1075g Conveyance documents 1751-1876 Homestead/Little Close & The Wear (Weir?) - Clawson Lane junction
W1075g Conveyance documents 1751-1876 Homestead/Little Close & The Wear (Weir?) - Clawson Lane junction

W1075h Conveyance documents 1751-1876 Homestead/Little Close & The Wear (Weir?) - Clawson Lane junction
W1075h Conveyance documents 1751-1876 Homestead/Little Close & The Wear (Weir?) - Clawson Lane junction

W1075i Conveyance documents 1751-1876 Homestead/Little Close & The Wear (Weir?) - Clawson Lane junction
W1075i Conveyance documents 1751-1876 Homestead/Little Close & The Wear (Weir?) - Clawson Lane junction

W1076 John & Mary Featherstone, Ann Ockerley, Charlotte Hurst
W1076 John & Mary Featherstone, Ann Ockerley, Charlotte Hurst

W1076a John & Mary Featherstone, Ann Ockerley, Charlotte Hurst
W1076a John & Mary Featherstone, Ann Ockerley, Charlotte Hurst

W1076aa John & Mary Featherstone, Ann Ockerley, Charlotte Hurst
W1076aa John & Mary Featherstone, Ann Ockerley, Charlotte Hurst

W1077a Featherstone Indentures & Wills (land around Clawson Lane)
W1077a Featherstone Indentures & Wills (land around Clawson Lane)

W1077b Featherstone Indentures & Wills (land around Clawson Lane)
W1077b Featherstone Indentures & Wills (land around Clawson Lane)

W1077c Featherstone Indentures & Wills (land around Clawson Lane)
W1077c Featherstone Indentures & Wills (land around Clawson Lane)

W1077d Featherstone Indentures & Wills (land around Clawson Lane)
W1077d Featherstone Indentures & Wills (land around Clawson Lane)

W1077e Featherstone Indentures & Wills (land around Clawson Lane)
W1077e Featherstone Indentures & Wills (land around Clawson Lane)

W1078 Burnett family (late 1920s/early 1930s?)
W1078 Burnett family (late 1920s/early 1930s?)

W1078a Burnett family (late 1920s/early 1930s?)
W1078a Burnett family (late 1920s/early 1930s?)

W1078aa Burnett family (late 1920s/early 1930s?)
W1078aa Burnett family (late 1920s/early 1930s?)

W1079 Rose family
W1079 Rose family

W1079a Mary (Granny) Rose (date?)
W1079a Mary (Granny) Rose (date?)

W1079aa Mary (Granny) Rose (date?)
W1079aa Mary (Granny) Rose (date?)

W1079b Thomas Clement Rose (1914/18) - Harles Meadows
W1079b Thomas Clement Rose (1914/18) - Harles Meadows

W1079bb Thomas Clement Rose (1914/18) - Harles Meadows
W1079bb Thomas Clement Rose (1914/18) - Harles Meadows

W1080 Shouler's Auction invoice - AF Shelton 1945
W1080 Shouler's Auction invoice - AF Shelton 1945

W1081 Peter & Gweneth Cane, Weir House 2005
W1081 Peter & Gweneth Cane, Weir House 2005

W1082 Peter & Gweneth Cane Weir House 2005
W1082 Peter & Gweneth Cane Weir House 2005

W1082a Peter & Gweneth Cane Weir House 2005
W1082a Peter & Gweneth Cane Weir House 2005

W1083 Peter & Gweneth Cane Weir House 2005
W1083 Peter & Gweneth Cane Weir House 2005

W1083a Peter & Gweneth Cane Weir House 2005
W1083a Peter & Gweneth Cane Weir House 2005

W1084 Mrs Gertie Parr (thatched cottage between Hill View & Duisdale/Westholme)
W1084 Mrs Gertie Parr (thatched cottage between Hill View & Duisdale/Westholme)

W1084a Mrs Gertie Parr (thatched cottage between Hill View & Duisdale/Westholme)
W1084a Mrs Gertie Parr (thatched cottage between Hill View & Duisdale/Westholme)

W1084aa Mrs Gertie Parr (thatched cottage between Hill View & Duisdale/Westholme)
W1084aa Mrs Gertie Parr (thatched cottage between Hill View & Duisdale/Westholme)

W1084b Mrs Gertie Parr (thatched cottage between Hill View & Duisdale/Westholme)
W1084b Mrs Gertie Parr (thatched cottage between Hill View & Duisdale/Westholme)

W1084bb Mrs Gertie Parr (thatched cottage between Hill View & Duisdale/Westholme)
W1084bb Mrs Gertie Parr (thatched cottage between Hill View & Duisdale/Westholme)

W1085 Henry Edson c.1920 Barland Fields c.1920 & Daisy Wakelin, The Ruins (date?)
W1085 Henry Edson c.1920 Barland Fields c.1920 & Daisy Wakelin, The Ruins (date?)

W1085a Henry Edson c.1920 Barland Fields c.1920
W1085a Henry Edson c.1920 Barland Fields c.1920

W1085aa Henry Edson c.1920 Barland Fields c.1920
W1085aa Henry Edson c.1920 Barland Fields c.1920

W1085b Daisy Wakelin, The Ruins (date?)
W1085b Daisy Wakelin, The Ruins (date?)

W1085bb Daisy Wakelin, The Ruins (date?)
W1085bb Daisy Wakelin, The Ruins (date?)

W1086 Marshall family - Hickling Manor 1904
W1086 Marshall family - Hickling Manor 1904

W1086a Marshall family - Hickling Manor 1904
W1086a Marshall family - Hickling Manor 1904

W1086aa Marshall family - Hickling Manor 1904
W1086aa Marshall family - Hickling Manor 1904

W1087 Copley family, The Manor House (1914/18)
W1087 Copley family, The Manor House (1914/18)

W1087a Copley family, The Manor House (1914/18)
W1087a Copley family, The Manor House (1914/18)

W1087aa Copley family, The Manor House (1914/18)
W1087aa Copley family, The Manor House (1914/18)

W1087ab Copley family, The Manor House (1914/18)
W1087ab Copley family, The Manor House (1914/18)

W1088 Stubbs family, the Manor House 1914/18
W1088 Stubbs family, the Manor House 1914/18

W1088a Stubbs family, the Manor House 1914/18
W1088a Stubbs family, the Manor House 1914/18

W1088aa Stubbs family, the Manor House 1914/18
W1088aa Stubbs family, the Manor House 1914/18

W1089 Radford family, the Manor House 1965
W1089 Radford family, the Manor House 1965

W1089a Radford family, the Manor House 1965
W1089a Radford family, the Manor House 1965

W1089aa Radford family, the Manor House 1965
W1089aa Radford family, the Manor House 1965

W1089aaa Radford family, the Manor House 1965
W1089aaa Radford family, the Manor House 1965

W1089b Radford family, the Manor House 1965
W1089b Radford family, the Manor House 1965

W1090 Thomas family, the Manor 2002/3
W1090 Thomas family, the Manor 2002/3

W1090a Thomas family, the Manor 2002/3
W1090a Thomas family, the Manor 2002/3

W1090b Thomas family, the Manor 2002/3
W1090b Thomas family, the Manor 2002/3

W1091 Thomas family, the Manor 2002/3
W1091 Thomas family, the Manor 2002/3

W1091a Thomas family, the Manor 2002/3
W1091a Thomas family, the Manor 2002/3

W1091aa Thomas family, the Manor 2002/3
W1091aa Thomas family, the Manor 2002/3

W1091b Thomas family, the Manor 2002/3
W1091b Thomas family, the Manor 2002/3

W1091bb Thomas family, the Manor 2002/3
W1091bb Thomas family, the Manor 2002/3

W1092 The Ruins; Jack Bailey (butcher), Edwin Woolley, Keith Wadkin (date?)
W1092 The Ruins; Jack Bailey (butcher), Edwin Woolley, Keith Wadkin (date?)

W1092a The Ruins; Jack Bailey (butcher), Edwin Woolley, Keith Wadkin (date?)
W1092a The Ruins; Jack Bailey (butcher), Edwin Woolley, Keith Wadkin (date?)

W1092aa The Ruins; Jack Bailey (butcher), Edwin Woolley, Keith Wadkin (date?)
W1092aa The Ruins; Jack Bailey (butcher), Edwin Woolley, Keith Wadkin (date?)

W1093 Daisy Wakelin, the Ruins (date?)
W1093 Daisy Wakelin, the Ruins (date?)

W1093a Daisy Wakelin, the Ruins (date?)
W1093a Daisy Wakelin, the Ruins (date?)

W1093aa Daisy Wakelin, the Ruins (date?)
W1093aa Daisy Wakelin, the Ruins (date?)

W1094 The Ruins; Mr & Mrs Henry Edson, Miss Daisy Wakelin (date?)
W1094 The Ruins; Mr & Mrs Henry Edson, Miss Daisy Wakelin (date?)

W1094a The Ruins; Mr & Mrs Henry Edson, Miss Daisy Wakelin (date?)
W1094a The Ruins; Mr & Mrs Henry Edson, Miss Daisy Wakelin (date?)

W1094b The Ruins; Mr Henry Edson (date?)
W1094b The Ruins; Mr Henry Edson (date?)

W1094bb The Ruins; Mr Henry Edson (date?)
W1094bb The Ruins; Mr Henry Edson (date?)

W1095 The Ruins; Mr & Mrs Henry Edson, Miss Daisy Wakelin (date?)
W1095 The Ruins; Mr & Mrs Henry Edson, Miss Daisy Wakelin (date?)

W1095a The Ruins; Mr & Mrs Henry Edson, Miss Daisy Wakelin (date?)
W1095a The Ruins; Mr & Mrs Henry Edson, Miss Daisy Wakelin (date?)

W1095aa The Ruins; Mr & Mrs Henry Edson, Miss Daisy Wakelin (date?)
W1095aa The Ruins; Mr & Mrs Henry Edson, Miss Daisy Wakelin (date?)

W1095b The Ruins; Mr Henry Edson
W1095b The Ruins; Mr Henry Edson

W1095b The Ruins; Mr Henry Edson
W1095b The Ruins; Mr Henry Edson

W1096 Yew Tree House; Leonard & Ada Hickling and Mrs Albert Barnett
W1096 Yew Tree House; Leonard & Ada Hickling and Mrs Albert Barnett

W1096a Yew Tree House; Leonard & Ada Hickling and Mrs Albert Barnett
W1096a Yew Tree House; Leonard & Ada Hickling and Mrs Albert Barnett

W1096aa Yew Tree House; Leonard & Ada Hickling and Mrs Albert Barnett
W1096aa Yew Tree House; Leonard & Ada Hickling and Mrs Albert Barnett

W1096b Yew Tree House; Leonard Hickling
W1096b Yew Tree House; Leonard Hickling

W1096bb Yew Tree House; Leonard Hickling
W1096bb Yew Tree House; Leonard Hickling

W1097 Mr Gordon Senior
W1097 Mr Gordon Senior

W1097a Mr Gordon Senior
W1097a Mr Gordon Senior

W1097aa Mr Gordon Senior
W1097aa Mr Gordon Senior