William Waldrom of Scalford 1627 Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/32b/140
A true and perfect Inventorye of all the Goodes Cattell Chattells Creditts and househould stuffe of William Waldrom of Scalford in the Countye of Leicester gent deceased Taken and prized by Willm Watts of Rearesby in the said County of Leicester gent Ralph Frisbee Willm Scultharpe and Richarde Alwood of Scalford aforesaid the Tenth day of Aprill In the Third yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles by the grace of God Kinge of England Scotland France & Ireland defender of the faith &c Annoq dni 1627
In the hall | |
Inprimis One draweing Table Twelve Stooles One other Table & a liverye Cubbarde One fire | |
yron, one Chaire, his privat … Twoe fowleinge peeces one pottry … and other ymplements | iiii li |
Imps Two Brasse pans three brasse potts one Jack Three Spitts one dripping pan … peeces | |
of peuter, one paire of Racks with other implements belonging thereto | iii li |
In the Buttrye | |
Imps Five peeces of Plate: Sixe barrells One Case with other ymplements | iii li xs |
In the Brewehouse | |
Impr One Leade with the brewing vessells thereto belonging | iii li |
In the chamber over the hall | |
Imps One high bedsted and a Trundle bed Two fether beds with the furniture belonging | vi li |
Itm his Librarie of books | v li |
Itm one Truncke with xii paire of Sheetes three dozen of napkins Six Table Cloths | v li |
In the chamber over the Buttry | |
Imps one posted bed with a featherbed & the furniture thereto belonging | iii li |
Itm Two truncks with new Cloth and Carpetts & Six Cushions | iii li |
Itm one Cubbard Two little stooles one chaire one round table & Twelve Cushions | xls |
In the store chamber | |
Itm Seaven flitches of bacon with other provision | iiii li |
Itm his apparell & money in his purse | x li |
Itm sixscore of Ewes & lambs | lxvi li |
Itm fourscore Sherhoggs | xxxii li |
Itm forty other ewes | xvi li |
Itm the gray stoned Colt | viii li |
Itm the gray two yeare old Colt | iiii li |
Itm the old gray mare | v li |
Itm the blacke stoned Colt | iiii li |
Itm the young gray mare | iiii li |
Itm the roand gelding | ls |
Itm one old gelding & one mare | xls |
Itm foure oxen | xiiii li |
Itm fower milch kyne | xii li |
Itm Eight heifers | xiii li |
Itm Three Steares | v li |
Itm two Stirkes | iiii li |
Itm xii Acres of Barly & Twelve acres of pease with the grasse and Beasts pastures | |
belonging | xxv li |
Itm one Sowe and piggs | xxs |
Itm Three weaned Calves | xxxs |
Itm in the pastures five acres of barly & pease | v li |
Itm one wayne with wheeles unshod foure yokes for oxen Three teams & old implements | |
belonginge to horses One great harrow and a little one | v li |
Itm wainscott to make a seat in the Church & other wood in the yard | xxs |
Itm a Turning Lathe and Tooles | xxs |
Itm Things not seene or forgotten | vs |
Sum total CCCix li xvs |
Exhibited 28 November 1627