Robert Warren of Plungar 1700 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1700/13
In the Name of God Amen June the nineth day 1698 I Robert Warren (the elder) of Plungar in the Countie of Leicester yeoman, being in health perfect minde & Memorie praised be God But Considering the Mortallyty of man, Doe make & ordaine this my Last Will & Testament in Manner & former following
Principley I Bequeath my soule to God that gave it mee hopeing to be saved by the onely Merritts of Jesus Christ my onely Saviour & Redeemer & my Body to the Earth to be Buried in Desent Buriall at the Charge of my Executor And as for my worldly goods which God in his mercie hath lent me I give & Bequeath as followeth (that is to say)
Imprimis, Considering I have given to my son Robert Warren as good a porcion all ready as I thinke my Estate will well afforde therefore I give & Bequeath to my sd Son Robert onely ten Shillings in full of his Childs part & porcion, to be paid by my Executor in Six moneths after my Decease
Item all the Rest of my goods Cattells, Chattells, houshould goods and Credits whatsoever and wheresoever I give & Bequeath to my eldest Son & heire John Warren Whome I make apoint & ordaine Sole Executor of this my Last Will & Testament he paying & Defraying all my Debts Legacies and funerall Chardges Soe Revokeing all former wills by me made, to this my Last will & Testament I have sett to my hand and seall the Day & yeare above written
Robert Warren
Signed seald published & Declared the Last will & Testament of the above said Robert Warren senior in the presence of
Ric: Hickson
Anne Reare her marke
Probate 9 April 1700