William Watchorn of Harby 1600 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/221/20
In the name of god Amen the Twelfe daye of Marche Anno dni 1598 in the one & forteith yere of the Raigne of our Soveraigne ladie Elizabeth By the grace of god Quene of Englande France and Irelande defender of the Faythe etc I Wylliam Watchorne of Harbie in the Countye of Leicester Labourer in Consideracon that I am taken & prest for a Souldier to serve her majestie in the parte of Irelande doe make my last will & testament in manner and forme followinge
Imprimis I geive unto my Brother Bartlemewe Watchorne the Sume of Twentie shillings of lawfull monney of Englande if that I do not Retourne home againe
Itm I doe geve and bequeath unto Agness my Wyfe Two partes of all my goodds and Cattles and yf yt happen that shee be with Childe that the same Childe to have the other thirde parte of all my goodds cattles and detts whatsoever is owinge unto me
And if yt be that it please god that shee be not with Childe (yf I Retourne not againe) and shall departe this transitory lyfe Then my will and Intente is That Agnes my sayde wyfe shall have possess and Enioye all and everye of my goodds Cattles and debtes whatsoever I have & is owinge unto me whom I make my full and whole Executrix
Wylliam Watchorne
These being wyttnesses That is to saye
John Henfreye [?]
Willm Mason his marke test
Probate 20 May 1600