William Watkin of Nether Broughton 1615 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1615/124
In the name of god Amen I William Watkin of Netherbraughton in the County of Lecester yeoman sicke in bodye but of perfect memorye (god be praised) doe make & ordaine this my last will & testament in manner & forme following
First I give & bequeathe my soule into the hands of almighty god my maker & redeemer & my bodye to the earthe from whence it came
Of the lande & goods that god hath bestowed on me I dispose in manner & forme following
Whereas I have bought of Rob Talior [sic] of the towne aforesaide halfe a yarde lande & a quarter with the appurtenances & he by obligacon standeth bounde to make good assurances thereof by a certayne tyme therin specified either unto me my heires or assignes I ordayne John Watkin & Richarde Gibbons my wellbeloved brethren my assignes the lande to be conveyed unto them and they to see that it be disposed of afterwards as I now declare that is to say
To make by brother Rafe Watkin & his heires good assurances of a thirde parte thereof he before the in sealinge paying unto them such money as is agreed on between us
The other two partes of my lande I give unto my wellbeloved wife Isabell Watkin duringe her life natural in consideracion she shall educate & bringe up my Children
And after her departure my will is that the same lande or the money that shall be made of the saide lande shall equally be devided amongst my five children or so many of them as shall survivie her
Furder I give unto my aforesaide wife all my goods as well moveable as unmoveable upon these condicions
First that she shall kindely & lovingely intreate the children that god hathe give unto us & that she shall be ever carefull to order that estate that I leave unto her as may be most behovefull for their profit & advantage
Secondly that shee shall see my debts truely and faythefully discharged And if so be in the Judgement of John Watkin & Richard Gibbons aforesaide my wife whom I make my executrix shall not have sufficient goods to defray the debts then it shall be in their power to sell so muche of the lande aforesaide as shall doe it
And this is my full & last will & so I rest in the mercyes of god January the viith Anno Salutis 1614 …
William Watkin
Witnesses hereunto Francis Thorne Henry Browne Richard Simson John Watkin Andrew Wright Richard Gibbons
Debts owinge by the testator
To William Rowlston x li
To Jhon Watkin iii li
To George Gibbon v li
To Rafe Watkin xxs
To Robt Taylor lx li
Debts owinge to the testator
Richarde Gibbons xs
Rafe Watkin xx li
Probate Melton Mowbray 28 July 1615