Robert Watson of Ab Kettleby 1576 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1576
In dei nomine Amen the vii daye of the monethe of Julye the yere of oure Lorde God 1576 and the yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Ladie Elizabethe by the grace of god of Englande France and Irelande Quene Defender of the faithe &c xviiith I Robert Wattsonne Vicare of Apekettelbye beinge of whole mynde and in good memorie praysed be god, make and ordayne this my presente Testament conteyninge therein my Last will in manner and forme folowinge
Fyrste I bequiethe and commende my soule to Almightie god and to my Savioure Jhesus Christe and my bodye to be buried in the Quere of Abekettelbye or as nighe therento as ytt maye godlye be Done, after the Discretion of my executors
And as concerninge my temporall goods I will that they be sett in three parts, the fyrste to my selfe, to see my Debts paide, and my corps brought to the grounde And the Seconde Parte to my wyffe Margarett And the thirde parte to my Sonne Julius and the overplus of my parte I geve and bequiethe ytt to my wyffe and to my sonne equallie to be Devided emonge them bothe
Also I will that my sonne wolde as his dewtie is be goode to my wyfe & favorable in Lettinge her have his howsse as longe as my wyfe lyvethe & nott molestinge or vexinge her
And my wyfe shall not neither Destroie or Deminishe the said howsse as pulling Downe, or in selling enye thinge thereon
It I geve to my sonne Julius besyds his parte of goods The featherbed with the bolster & the best table and the frame & the formes but my wyfe shall have the use of them so longe as she kepethe her selfe widowe and also of the howse, which then shalbe in Libertie to do as my sonne Listethe att what tyme she shall marie agayne
It I geve to the churche of Apekettlebye, to the poyntinge of the steeple of them of Kettlebye iis
It I geve to the poore of Kettlebye that is to foure poore widowes iiiid a pece to be geven where moste need is
It I geve to … Haven xiid
Also I make my wyffe and my sonne my full executors of this my laste will and Testament and Willm Camb to see this my laste will Supervisor
Theise beinge wittnesses John Stokes, Willm Sheppsone Willm More Robert Blankeley
Probate 17 August 1576