John Webster of Eaton 1517 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/251 page 97
In dei nomine Amen the xx day of May yer of our Lord gode m ccccc xvii ego Johes Webster de Eton Compos mentis et sane memorie … testament … … …
First I bequeth my sowle to almyghte god to our lady saint Mary and to all the holy Compeny of heven & my body to be beryd in the Church yard of Eton
Also I bequeth my best good to be my principall
Also I bequeth to our lady of Lincoln iiid
Also to the hygh alter of Eton xiid
Also to the Church of Eton iii of iiiid
Also to the light of Saint John at Eton iiiid
Also I bequeth to the Church of Braunston xiid
Also I bequeth to the Church of Estwell xiid
Also I bequeth to Symkyn Beyly an ew sheppe
Also to Richard Beynd another scheppe
Also I gyff & bequeth to … of my iiii Chyld vis viiid so to be devydit amone them xxvis viiid
The residewe of my goods I gyff and bequeth to Annes my wiffe and to Thomas Beynde which I make my lawfull executers thei to dispose my goods for the helth of my sowll
Also I make Sr John Burton vicar of Eton oversear of this my will
Thys testibus John Burton (… …) Jacobo Myddulton Alexander Brabazon & John Beby … alys