Thomas Westby of Nether Broughton 1690 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1690/16
For as much as it is appoynted for all men once to dye And noething more certaine then death nor uncertaine Then the tyme thereof Now therefore in the name of God Amen I Thomas Westby of Neather Broughton in the County of Leicester husbandman being of perfect & sound mynd & memory doe (this present thirtyth day of March Annoq Dni 1690 and in the second yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord & Lady King Willm & Queene Mary) Make & ordeyne this my last Will & Testament in manner and forme following
First I comitt & comende my soule into the handes of Almighty God hopeing through the merritts death and passion of my blessed Saviour to Receive everlasting life And as for my worldly & earthly estate howse landes & tenements goods Cattle & Chattells I dispose thereof as followes
First I doe give & bequeath unto the poore people of Hickling in the County of Nottingham tenn shillings, and to the poore of Neather Broughton abovesd five shillings
Item I give & bequeath unto my loveing Brother Joseph Westby and to his heires & assignes for ever All that my Messuage or Tenement with the appurtenances in Hickling aforesayd And alsoe all that Close called Cake Lane Close conteyning by estimacon two Acres or thereabouts & one Oxgange & halfe an Oxgange of Land in Hickling aforesayd now or late in my possession & in the possession of Robt Daft & Thomas Daft or their assignes To have & to hold the same to him the sayd Joseph Westby & to his heires & assignes forever upon speciall trust & confidence & Condicon nevertheless That if my personall estate will not amount & rayse money enough to pay & satisfye my debts & Legacyes he the sayd Joseph Westby shall out of the landes & tenements to him herein bequeathed by sale or mortgage thereof rayse money to pay and satisfye the same
I give & bequeath unto my loveing Brother John Westby the sume of threescoare poundes to be payd by my Extor hereafter named within three yeares after my desease in full satisfaccon of all such right and title as he shall or may have or clayme to any my lands in possession revercon remainder or expectancy but in case he happen to dye before the same shall become due Then I devise the same to his the sd John Westbys Children living at his decease to be equally devided amongst them
Item I doe alsoe give & bequeath unto my loveing sister Epham Daft the wife of Thomas Daft the sume of twenty poundes to be payd within foure yeares after my decease but if she happen to dye before the same be due or payd that then the same twenty pounds shalbe equally devided amongst hir Children then living
All the rest of my lands tenements goods & chattells unbequeathed I doe herein & hereby give devise & bequeath unto my sd loveing and most kinde Brother Joseph Westby whom I doe make full and sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament Revoaking all former Wills by me heretofore made
In Witnes whereof I have hereunto putt my hand & seal the day & yeare above written
Thomas Westby
Signed sealed published declared & delivered as & to be the last Will & Testament of the sd Thomas Westby in the presence of us
Henry Smyth
Hen. Browne
Richard Spencer
George Strong his mark
Probate 2 April 1690