Joan Wheatley of Long Clawson 1568 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/259 and PR/T/1568/77
In the name of god Amen in the yere of our lorde god 1567 the ix yeare of the Raygne of Elizabeth by the grace of gode queen of Englande France and Irelande defendor of the Faythe &c and the x daye of July wytnessythe that I Jone Whetlie of Claxton in the countie of Leic mayde servante beinge sycke in bodie and of good and perfecte Remeberance do ordaine and make this my laste will and testament in manr and forme hearafter folowinge
Fyrste I bequieth my Soule to allmightie god my maker and redemer and my bodie to be buried in the church yearde of Claxton my paryshe church
It I bequieth to Adame Otes a cawderne a potte & a matteres
It I bequieth to Robarte Lyns viiis and to be halfe of my goods unbeqethed with Adamm Otes
It I bequieth to Willm … a litell panne & a cheare
It I bequieth to Elizabeth Moringe a potte and a shyte
It I bequieth to Isabell Wheately a coverled
It I bequieth to Willm Walles a spinning whele a paire of pottehokes with all things to hange them uppe with all
It I bequieth to Elizabethe Walles a shyte
It I bequiethe to my master Hecling five sonns xxd and iiiid to the shepard
It to my pore folks viiid
It I bequieth to Richard Whetlie xs of the somme of xvs that he dothe owe unto me other vs to Adam Otes and Robarte Lins
It I bequieth to John Hicklinge a pewter dyshe and to Henrie Hicklinge a pewter dyshe
It I bequieth to Elizabeth Moringe a pewter dyshe
It I will that my cowe be solde and the one calffe to bringe me to the grounde and the other calfe to Adam Otes and Robarte Lins
It I ordayne and make Adam Otes and Robarte Lins my full executors of this my last will and minde
Theis wittnesses Rychard Hicklinge Thomas Lyners with other moor
Probate 23 June 1568