Robert Whittaker of Stathern 1636 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/248
The tenth day of September 1636
I Robert Whittacre of Stathorne in the County of Leicester shepherd being sick in body but of perfect memorye (praised be God) doe ordayne and make this my Last will and testament in manner and [“form” missing] following viz
Imprimis I bequeath my soule and body into the handes of Almighty God my creator and my body to be buried in the Church yard of Stathorne aforesaid hopeing to be saved by the onely merritts of Christ Jesus my Saviour
It I give unto Izabel my wife my Cottage house together with all theappurtenances for and dureing the tearme of her naturall life and from and after her decease I give the abovesaid Cottage with thappurtenances unto William Whittacre my brother and Richard Whittacre his yongest Sonne their heires and assignes for ever paieing the summe of eight pounds of good and Lawfull English money in manner and forme followeing vizt five pounds unto Isabel Patchett and three pounds unto my sister Dorothy Beskerbye, which said sume of eight pounds my will is shall be paid within one whole yeare next after the decease of Izabel my said wife
It my will is That if the said William Whittacre and Richard Whittacre doe depart their naturall lives before the said Izabel my wife that then I give the said Cottage with thappurtenances unto Thomas Whittacre eldest sonne of the said William Whittacre his heires and assignes for ever paieing the abovesaid summe of eight pounds in manner and forme abovesaid
It I give unto Izabel my said wife all my goods cattells and chattells moveable and unmoveable whatsoever or wheresoever whom I make sole executrix of this my will and testament
Signum Robert Whittacre
Signed sealed & delivered in the presence of
Richard Rouse
Gregorye Julyan
An inventory of all such goods cattells and chattells as were Robert Whittacres of Stathorne in the County of Leicester sheapheard lately deceased taken the 28th day of September and valued by us whose names are subscribed vid
Imprimis his purse and his apparrell | xvs |
Item twenty and sixe sheepe | vii l xvs |
It three kyne | vi l xs |
It one swine hogg | xs |
It corne and haye | xiis |
In the house | |
Imprimis the Cupboard and the table two woodden chaires two stooles &c | xxvs |
It the ten pewter dishes, chaffendish, three Candle stickes Salt &c | xvs |
It two brasse potts and two brasse panns | xxs |
In the Parlour | |
Imprimis foure wodden cofers | xiiis iiiid |
It two mattrisses | viiis |
It three coverlets | xxs |
It one paire of balnkets | viiis |
It four pillowes and a boulster | xs |
It foure flaxen sheets, three harden sheetes three pillow beers & one towel | xxiiiis |
It one cupboard, the linnen wheeles, peales, tubbs and such like dead lumber | xiis |
It fire Irons hookes spit &c | vs |
It some coales poultry and all other things either unvalued or forgotten | xs |
Sum Tot | xxvi l xiis iiiid |
Gregory Julian )
Robert Barnes ) valuers