George Widmerpool of Wysall 1629 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1629 page 205
In the name of God Amen The one and twentieth daie of November in the yere of our Lord god one thousand Sixe hundred twenty and eight I George Wydmerpool of Wysall in the Countie of Nottingham Esqr sicke in bodie but of perfect mynde and memory ordaine and make this my last will and testament in manner and forme following
Inprimis I bequeth my soule unto Almighty God my Creator and maker and to Jesus Christ my redeemer and savyour and my bodie to be buried in the parish Church or Chancell of Wysall or Widmerpoole
Item my will is that my debts legacies and funeral Charges shall be paid upon my whole goods
Item I give to the Church of Wisall the sume of twenty shillings of Lawfull money of England towards the repaire of the said Church and twenty shillings of like lawfull money I give to the poore of the said Wisall
Item I give all my Lands tenements and hereditaments in Widmerpoole, Wisall, Kimwalton, Broughton, Willughbie, or else where unto Joseph Widmerpoole my sonne and heire and to the heires males of his bodey lawfull begotten and to be begotten for ever And for want of such heires to the heires males of me the said George Widmerpoole successively for ever And for want of such heires males to the right heires generall of me the said George for ever
Provided always that if my said sonne Joseph have noe heires male, lawfully begotten, and to be begotten, but yssue female Then I will that my next heire male shall pay to the yssue female of the said Joseph the sume of Niene hundred pownds of lawfull money of England
Item I give and bequeth to Ann Widmerpoole my second Daughter the sume of two hundred pounds of lawfull money of England to be her Childs part of my goods to be paid her at the Daie of her mariage
Item I give and bequeth to Mary Widmerpoole my third daughter the sume of two hundred pounds of lawfull money of England to be her Childs part or porcon to be paid her at the daie of her mariage
Item I give and bequeath to Jane Widmerpoole my youngest daughter the sume of two hundred pounds of lawfull money of England to be her Childs parte or porcon to be paid her at the daie of her mariage
Provided always, and it is my full intent and meaninge, that if all or anie of my said daughters Ann, Mary, and Jane doe not marry with the consent and good likeinge of theire naturall mother Jane Widmerpoole and after theire said mothers decease with the consent and good likeinge of whomsoever theire mother shall put in trust then my will is that they my said daughters shall have and receive of my executrix but each one of them twelve pence in lewe of theire Childs part and porcon
Item I give and bequeth to George Widmerpoole my second sonne the sume of one hundred pounds of lawfull money of England to be his Children part and porcon to be pd him by my executrix or her assignes uppon the second daie of February which shall be in the yere of our lord god One thousand Sixe hundred thirte and three
Item I give and bequeth to Nicholas Widmerpoole my yongest sonne the sume of one hundred pounds of lawfull money of England to be his Childs parte or porcon to be paid him by my executrix or by her Assignes when he the said Nicholas shall accomplish the age of one and twenty yeeres
Item now whereas I have given unto my sonne Joseph Widmerpoole all my lands tenements and hereditaments whatsoever and wheresoever in manner as before is said my will meaning and full intent is that if he the said Joseph or his Assignes doe not pay to my executrix hereafter menconed or to her assignes in and uppon the feast daie of the nativity of our blessed lord and savyour Jesus Christ next ensueing the date of theise presents above written the sume of three hundred pounds of lawfull money of England or within six moneths next after the said feast of the nativity then the said Joseph Widmerpoole or his Assignes to pay twelve pounds of lawfull money of England to my said executrix or to her Assignes for detayning the said three hundred pounds the said sixe months And if the said sumes of three hundred pounds & twelve pounds be not paid at the end of the said sixe moneths Then my will is that my said Executrix shall have enter uppon and enioye to her and her assignes for ever all that farme messuage and tenement with thappurtenances nowe in the tenure and occupacon of Widdow Hunt or of her Assignes scituat and being in Wisall abovesaid and in the territories and bounds thereof togeather with all the houses and Comodities thereunto belonging
Item if he the said Joseph or his assignes do not pay to my said Executrix or to her Assignes in and upon the feast day of Saint Michaell the Archangell next ensueing the date of these presents above written the sume of two hundred pounds of lawfull money of England or within sixe moneths next after the feast of St Michaell the Archangell then the said Joseph or his Assignes to pay eight pounds of lawfull money of England to my said Executrix or to her Assignes for detayning the said sume of two hundred pounds the said sixe moneths And if the said sume of two hundred pounds and eight pounds be not paid at the end of the said six moneths then my will is that my said executrix shall have enter upon and enioye to her and her Assignes for ever two parts of three parts of the farme messuage and tenement with the appurtenances now in the tenure and occupacon of Richard Johnson or of his Assignes scituat and being in Wisall abovesaid and in the territories and bounds thereof togeather with all the houses buildings and Comodities thereunto belonging
Item If the said Joseph or his assignes doe not pay to my said Executrix or her Assignes in or uppon the feast daie of St Michaell the Archangell which shall be in the yere of our lord god one thousand six hundred and thirty the sume of two hundred pounds of lawfull money of England or within sixe moneths next after the said last feast of St Michaell the Archangell then my will is that he the said Joseph or his Assignes shall pay eight pounds of lawfull money of England unto my said Executrix or to her Assgines for detayning the said sume of two hundred pounds the said six moneths And if the said sumes of two hundred pounds and eight pounds be not paid at the end of the said sixe months Then my will is that my said executrix shall have enter uppon and enioye to her and her Assignes for ever the third part of the farme last before menconed and fower of the Cottages with their appurtenances houses & Comodities thereunto belonging in Wisall abovesaid and nowe in the tenure and occupation of Henry Spencer William Orson Thomas Thomasman and Ellinor Pilkington
Item my will and mynde is that if he the said Joseph or his assignes doe not pay to my executrix or to her Assignes in or upon the feast daie of St Michaell tharchangell which shalbe in the yere of our lord god one thousand six hundred thirty and three the sume of one hundred pounds of lawfull money of England or within six moneths next after the said feast of St Michaell tharchangell then the said Joseph or his assignes to pay fower pounds of lawfull money of England to my said executrix or to her Assignes for detayning the said sume of one hundred pounds the said six moneths And if the said sumes of one hundred pounds and fower pounds be not paid at the end of the said six monethes Then my will is that my said executrix shall have enter uppon and enioye to her and her Assignes for ever the moiety of the farme messuage & tenement with thapurtenances now in the tenture and occupacon of Gabriell Spencer or of his assignes scituat & being in Wysall abovesaid and in the territories and bounds thereof togeather with all the houses buildings and Comoditys thereunto belonginge
Item my will & mynde is that if he the said Joseph or his Assignes doe not pay to my said executrix or to her Assignes at such tymes as my said sonne Nicholas Widmerpoole shall accomplish the age of one and twenty yeares the sume of one hundred pounds of lawfull money of England or within six monethes after the said one and twenty yeers shall be accomplished then my will is that the said Joseph or his Assignes shall pay fower pounds of lawfull money of England to my said Executrix or to her assignes for detayning the said sume of one hundred pounds the said six moneths and if the said sumes of one hundred pounds and fower pounds be not paid at the end of the said six moneths Then my will is that my said Executrix shall have enter uppon and enioye to her and her Assignes for ever the other moiety of the farme messuage and tenement with the appurtenances last before menconed
Item my will is that if my said sonne Joseph Widmerpoole depart this life with out yssue male of his body lawfully begotten and to be begotten and leave behind him yssue female that then if the said next heire male doe refuse to pay the aforesaid sume of Nyne hundred pounds of good & lawfull money of England to the said yssue female Then I will that the said yssue female of my said sonne Joseph shall have possesse And enioye the moiety of all the aforesaid lands tenements hereditaments before devised to them and theire heires for ever without anie let or incumbrance whatsoever from anie of my aforesaid heires males
Item my will is that if anie of my said daughters doe depart this life before mariage that then my said sonne Joseph Widmerpoole shall have the moyetie of theire & every of their porcons soe departing to be repaid to him or his Assignes or if either of my said two sonnes depart this life before the tyme or tymes before appointed for the payment of either of theire said several porcons that the survivors of my said Children which shall not then be preferred in mariage shall have equally to be devided amongst them the moyetie of the partie or parties porcon then deceased and the other moyetie of the said partie or parties porcon I give and bequeath unto Joseph Widmerpoole my eldest sonne his heires & Assignes
Item I Constitute ordaine and make my dearly beloved wife Jane Widmerpoole my full & sole executrix of this my last will & testament to which my said wife Jane Widmerpoole I give & bequeath all the rest of my goods moveable and unmoveable whatsoever & wheresoever not before given & bequeathed to her & her Assignes for ever
Item I ordaine & appoint my welbeloved friend Isham Parkins of Bunney esqr and my welbeloved brother in Lawe Lawrence Maidwell of Geddington gent my true and lawfull supervisors of this my last will and testament to see the same executed & performed according to the true intent & meaning thereof and for theire trust & paines therein I give to each of them ten shilling a peece of good and lawfull money of England
In wittnes whereof I the said George Widmerpoole have hereunto sett my hand and seale the day & yeare first above written
George Widmerpoole
Read sealed signed & delivered in the presence of us
Lawrence Maidwell
William Sharpe Clerc et vicar de Wysall
23 July 1629 Loughborough probate to Jane Widmerpool relict