John Wilcox of Long Clawson 1640 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1640
Memorand that John Wilcox Victualer Whilst hee lived of Claxton als Clauson in the County of Leicester deceased about a fore night about his death beinge about a Fortnight before Cristmas last past being in the yeare of our Lord god 1639 did make his last will & testament nuncupative vizt by word of mouth hee beinge then sicke and weake in Bodye but of Gad and perfect Memory in Manner and forme followinge vizt
Hee lyeinge in his bed wherein hee dyed and them present moved him to make his will or dispose of his estate before hee dyed Whereuppon hee sayd that his wife should have all his goods soe longe as she lived and after her death his will was that his Sonne meaneinge his Sonne Thomas Wilcox should have them or to the effect, and itt was his full mynde Will and intent that his estate should bee disposed of after his death in manner & forme and to that effect afore sayd
All which hee declared in presence of us whose names are subscribed
Thomas Fawkes & Elizabeth Cowldinge
Probate 23 May 1640