John Wild of Scalford 1598 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/219/23
Marche 23 Ano Elizabethe reigne 40 Ano Dni 1597 [1597/8]
I Jhon Wild of Scalford in the countye of Leicester husbandman do make and ordeine this my last will and testament in maner and forme followinge
Firste I bequeath my soule to allmightye god and my body to be buryed in the churche yarde of Scalford afforesaid
Itm I geve and bequeathe to Thomas Buxam vid to Willm Bugge iiid to Robarte Wright iiid Willm Goodycary iiid Widdowe Henson iiid Willm Bely iiid Barbara Buge iid … Olwynne iid Willm … iid Emat Dafte iiid Betsseba Webe iid Bartholemew Shelton iid Willm Teate iiid Nycholas … iiid
Itm I geve to Isable Belye Willm Symson Alice Caunt Agnes Belye and Marye Henson for washeinge iiis
Itm I geve to Willm Belye for goeinge for my brother Coopar xvid
Itm I geve to everye one of my godchildren iiiid
Itm I geve to Elizabethe … Coopar and Agnes Coopar iiii li equally to be devided and to be paied the first of Maie next …
Willm Smithe of Waltham xs
Item I geve and bequeath to Agnes Cooper my sister the lease of the house I now dwell in and all the rest of my goods unbequeathe discharginge my legacyes and debts and bringing my bodye honestelye to the ground
Itm I will and ordeine that Robarte Coopar shall be executaire to this my last will and testament
Thes beinge wittnesses
Willm Bincks
Michaell Frisbee
Nicholas Robinson
Willm Belye
Probate May 1598