Raffe Wilde of Scalford 1583 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1583/97
In the name of god amen In the xiiiith of Januarie Ano Doi 1583 I Raffe Wilde of Scalforde in the countye of Leicester husbandman sicke in bodye but whole in minde and of good and perfect memorye god be thanked therefore do make and ordaine my laste will and testament in maner and forme followeinge
Firste I bequeathe my soule to allmightye god and my bodye to be buried in the churche of Scalforde
Itm I geve to everye cottager in Scalforde iiiid
Itm I geve and bequeathe unto my brother Robarte his iii children iii li that is to saye to Thomas Wilde xxs, to Elizabethe Wilde xxs (also I geve to the saide Elizabethe my bigeste pann) and to Margaret Wilde xxs also I geve to the said Margaret one cubborde
Itm I geve and bequeath to the three children of Jhon Tyde iii li that is to saye Agnes Tide, Alice Tide, and Elizabeth Tide everye one of them xxs
Itm I geve to Jhon Wilde my quornes and one grate loumbe
Also what debts soever are betwixte me & the said Jhon Wilde I frelye forgeve them
Itm I geve and bequeathe unto the iiii children of Willm Smithy iiii li that is to Jhon Smithe xxs to Thomas Smithe xxs To Jane Smithe xxs to Elizabeth Smithe xxs
Also I geve to the said Elizabethe my beste brasse pott
And I will that Willm Smithe theire father shall receave the said iiii li on may daye come twelve monthe nexte insheweinge the date hereof
Itm I geve and bequeathe to Elizabethe Marche xiiis one yarde and an halfe of carsye, my biger brase pott, one pann, two platters, two loumbes, a little paile, one coffer, a wollen whele, one brandyron, a paire of tongs, a fireiron, a matterise, a pece of harden clothe contayneinge ix yards and a halfe
Itm I geve to Jane Twichell iis
Itm I geve to Willm Bell my graye coate, and a paire of olde hosse
Itm I geve to Nycholas Welse one arke
Itm I geve to Gregorye Cam my russet coote, for making my grave and layeinge downe the stones againe
Itm I geve to Walter Skinner my beste hosse
Itm I geve to Rycharde Jhonson one of my shirts
Itm I geve to Willm Belye my leather ierkine
Itm I geve to Willm Becrafte [?] my canvas doublet
Itm I geve to Jane Twichell and Elizabeth Marche my bedstead betwixte them
Itm I will that yf anye of the iiii children of Willm Smithe departe this worlde before the daye of theire mariage or the time of lawfull age that then theire percone bequeathed shall remaine to be geven to the longer lyvers of them
Itm the residewe of my goods unbequethed my funerall discharged I geve and bequeathe unto Robarte Wilde and Jhon Tide whom I make my full executors, and geve full authorytyte to gather upe suche debts as are oweinge unto me as followethe
In primis oweinge unto me by Nycholas Musson vi li xiiis iiiid to be payed on Lammas Daye nexte ensheweinge the date hereof
Itm oweinge unto me by Hughe Collington vi li
Itm oweinge unto me by Robarte Noble xxs to be paied on the feaste daye of St Mychaell the archeangell next ensheweinge the date hereof
Itm oweinge unto me by Willm Moore xs iiiid
Itm oweinge unto me by Sethe Hosse xs
Itm oweinge unto me by Willm Buggye viiis
Itm oweinge unto me by Lodwicke Kempe the elder iiis iiiid
Itm oweinge unto me by Thomas Geale the elder iis viiid
Itm oweinge unto me by Jhon Astall iis
Itm oweinge unto me by George Binckes iiis viiid
Itm oweinge unto my by my brother Thomas Wilde xxs
Itm I have iii stone of wolle, and iiii pounde at Jhon Wilde his house which my executors shall receave
Thes beinge wittnesses to this my last will & testament Willm Binckes Nycholas Camme Willm Astall Sethe Hosse Nycholas … Willm …
Probate 28 February 1583/4
An Inventorye of the goods of Raffe Wilde of Scalforde in the county of Leicester husbandman taken and praysed by us Willm Moore & Nicholas Harbye the xxiith day of Januarye Ano Doi 1583
In primis one yarde and a half of carsye | iis iiiid |
Itm one olde brasse potte, & a little panne | iiis vid |
Itm one pann | vis |
Itm one brasse pott | iiiis |
Itm one brandyron, one paire of tongs a fireiron | xiiid |
Itm two loumes, one paile a wollen whele | iis |
Itm one olde coffer | xiid |
Itm ix yards and a halfe of harden clothe | iiis iid |
Itm one olde loume | iiis |
Itm one frieinge pann, with pot hookes and pot hingles | xs |
Itm one painted clothe | iis viiid |
Itm two little platters | xiid |
Itm one olde cubborde | vis viiid |
Itm his apparell | xvis |
Itm his bedinge, and bedstead | xvis |
Itm one olde arke | xxd |
Itm one olde frame for quornes, and one quornestone | iiiis |
Itm one leather and certaine olde woode | iiiis |
Itm old yron | xiid |
Itm one coffer | iiis iiiid |
Itm in his purse | xxs |
Itm iii stone of woolle | xxiiiis |
Itm his debts | xvi li xvs iiiid |
Suma | xxiii li iis xd |