Woollerton William 1663 of Long Clawson will and inventory

William Woollerton of Long Clawson 1663 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1663/100

In the name of God Amen October the first 1658

I William Woolerton of Claxton alias Long Clawson in the County of Leicester Shepherd being weake in body but of good & perfect memory prased be god doe ordaine this my last will & Testament in manner & forme following

First I give & bequeath my soule to allmighty god my Creatour hopeing & verily assureing my selfe through gods mercyes & the all sufficient merits of Jesus Christ my onely Saviour & Redeemer to be partaker of life everlasting & my body I bequeath to the earth from whence it was taken to be buryed in Christian Buriall at the discretion of mine executor & for my worldly goods which it hath pleased the lord to endow me with I doe dispose of them in manner & forme following

First of all I give unto my loveing Daughter Elizabeth Crosse twelve pence beside what I have allready given & promised unto her husband for her filiall portion

Allso I give unto my loveing daughter Mary Wollerton fiveteene pounds to be paid by my Executour when shee Cometh to age of seaven & Twenty yeares

Allso I give unto her halfe my moveable goods whatsoever after my wifes death

Allso I give unto my loveing wife Mary Woolerton halfe my house & land both in Towne & field and all my moveable goods both in Towne & field during her naturall life & the halfe of my goods undesposed of I give my aforesaid wife power to dispose of the same as shee thinketh good

Allso I give unto my loveing sonne Robert Woolerton twelve pence and allso my house and land in Claxton aforesaid for his filiall portion to him & his heires for ever (excepting before excepted) whome I doe make ordaine & appoint to be the onely Executor of me & of this my last will & Testament on the Condition that he pay all the legacies before mentioned and all my debts & funerall Charges whatsoever & in default of the same or if he refuse to pay the debts or legacies aforesaid then it is my will that my aforesaid daughter Mary Woolerton shall have hold & enioy halfe the oxgan of land & the house & home steade which I bought of my Brother Ambrose Leeson her portion & to her & her heires for ever & then it is my will that shee shall pay all my debts & legacies aforesaid

Allso it is my will that my daughter Mary Woolerton shall have & enioy habytation with my aforesaid Executour his heires assigne or assignes whilst shee Continueth single person & unmarried also it is my will that my loveing wife shall have quiet & peaceable habitation in my house while shee liveth & enioy all that is bequeathed unto her aforesaid dureing her life & to have free ingress regress and egress in my home stead without molestation

Allso it is my will that if it shall please god to take me out of this life when the Crop of Corne & grasse be upon the ground that my loveing wife Mary Woollerton aforesaid doe quietly & peaceably Crop reape & enioy the same to her use

Thus revokeing all former wills whatsoever that are made I doe Constitute ordaine & appoint this to be my last will & Testament wittness my hand & seale hereunto put the day & yeare first above written

                                                                                                         The marke & seale of William Woolerton

Read published sealed & delivered to be the last will & Testament of William Woolerton within named in the presence of

Robt Kirkby

The marke of Edward Hoe


A True & perfect inventory of all the goods Cattell & Chattells of William Woollerton of Claxton otherwise Long Clawson apprised & taken by us Richard Leavers & Robert Hickling the 23 day of November 1661

  li s d
Inprimis his purse & apparrell 0 10 0
Item in the house one long table two formes two Chares & other implements 0 7 6
Item two spits one paire of Cobberds one fire iron and fire pan & all other irons 0 3 0
Item six Coffers three bed steades & bedin 1 16 8
Item two barrells one Churne two Tubs three peales one wollen wheele two      
linnen wheeles with other implements 0 12 0
Item six paire of hempin & harden sheetes three flaxen sheetes five pillowes      
one Bowster all the brasse & pewter 1 4 0
Item one Cubberd & other implements 0 3 0
Ite six Cushens 0 1 0
Ite all the Butter & Cheese and a piece of a Bacon flick 1 0 0
Ite all the Corne & hay 3 0 0
Ite all the horne Bease 6 0 0
Item one sheep Cribb & other … & implements seene & unseen 0 1 6
                                                                                                                               Total 14 18 8

Richard Leavers

Robert H Hickling

Probate 11 February 1663/4