Edward Wright of Nether Broughton 1684 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1684/229
In the Name of God Amen the Eighteenth day of December In the Five and Thirtieth Yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles the Second by the Grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland defender of the faith &c Annoq Dni 1683 I Edward Wright of Neather Broughton in the County of Leicester Yeoman being of Good and perfect Mind and Memory (Praised bee Almighty God for it) doe make & Ordaine this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following (that is to say)
First I Comend my Soule to God my Maker and Creatour hopeing thorough the onely Meritts of Jesus Christ my alone Saviour and Redeemer to bee partaker of Life Everlasting
And as for my Body I comend it to the earth to bee decently Interred
And as for my Goods Chattles Lands and Tenements which it hath beene pleased God to lend mee I devise Give & bequeath as followeth that is to say
First I doe give and bequeath Unto the poore of Neather Broughton aforesaid the Sume of Twenty Shillings and to the Poore of Long Clawson als Claxton In the County of Leicester aforesd the Sume of Twenty Shillings to be distributed amongst them att the time of my Buriall at the discretion of my Extor and the Overseers of this my Will
Item I doe give and bequeath Unto my eldest Sonne John Wright and to his heires and assignes forever All that my messuage or Tenement with thappurtenances scituate and being in the East End of Claxton als Long Clawson in the said County of Leicester now in the tenure of One Edward Hickling And allsoe All those my Foure Closses adjoyneing or being neare to thaforesd Messuage and therewithal Usually used and thereunto belonging commonly called or knowne by the Name of the Homeclosse & containeing togeather by estimacon the Quantity of five acres or thereabouts (bee the same more or lesse) now in thoccupacon of the said Edward Hickling And allsoe All those foure Oxgangs of Land Arrable Meadow & Pasture Ground with theire appurtenances lieing and being within the East End Feildes of Claxton als Long Clawson aforesd to thaforesd Messuage belonging or therwithall usueally used letten Occupied or Enjoyed now allsoe in the Occupacon of the said Edward Hickling And allsoe All that Closse of pasture Ground with thappurtenances lieing and being within the Towne Feildes Libties Territories and Precincts of Hose in the said County of Leicester commonly called or knowne by the Name of Brockhills and containeing by estimacon the quantity of Seaven acres (bee it more or lesse) now in the tenure or Occupacon of One Robert Wright A Closse in Hose Lordshippe aforesd called Brockhills used for a Cow Pasture being on the South side thereof And allsoe All other my Messuages Lands Closses tenements and Hereditaments with theire appurtenances in Claxton als Long Clawson aforesaid and Hose or either of them To Have and to hold thaforesd Messuage Closses Lands Tenements and Hereditaments and Premisses with their appurtenances herein before menconed to bee in Claxton and Hose aforesaid unto my said Sonne John Wright and to his Heires and assignes forever
Butt my Will and Mind further is that Mary my now beloved Wife shall have and enjoy for the Tearme of her Naturall Life onely One Third parte, in three Equall partes to bee devided in my aforesd Messuage Closses Lands Tenements Hereditaments and Premisses with theire appurtenances herein before menconed to be devised unto my said sonne John Wright and his Heires and assignes forever lieing and being in Claxton and Hose aforesd In full Satisfaction of all her Dower and Thirds which by the Comon Law she may or can clayme of in or out of the same premisses
And I doe give and bequeath unto the said Mary my said Wife One Third parte in three Equall partes to bee devided of and in my aforesd Messuage Closses Lands Tenements Hereditaments and Premisses with theire appurtenances hereinbefore menconed to bee devised unto my said Sonne John Wright his Heires and Assignes forever lieing and being in Claxton and Hose aforesaid in full Satisfaccon of all her Dower and Thirds which by the Comon Law Shee can or may claime of into or out of the same To Hold thafores One Third parte in three Equall partes to bee devided of and in my aforesd Messuage Closses lands Premisses unto my said Wife Mary and her assignes for and dureing her Naturall Life Onely
Item I doe give and bequeath Unto my second Sonne Robert Wright and to his Heires and assignes for ever All that my Messuage or Tenement with thappurtenances scituate and being in Neather Broughton aforesd in the said County of Leic now in the tenure of One Mary Barnes Widd And allsoe All that One Oxgange and a halfe of land Arrable Meadow and Pasture Ground with thappurtenances lieing and being within the Feildes Libties and Precincts of Neather Broughton aforesaid now in the tenure or Occupacon of mee the said Edward Wright And allsoe All those my Comons and Comon of Pasture for Eight Cows and Four Horses & Twelve Sheepe to bee had and taken Yearely and every Yeare in a certaine closse called the Greate Grange closse in Nether Broughton aforesaid att such daies and times and in such manner and forme as other the Freeholders and Farmers doe hold enjoy and take theire Comons there And also All those twoe Little closses with thappurtenances lieing and being togeather within the feildes Libties Territories & precincts of Neather Broughton aforesaid abuting upon Broomebeck leyes containeing togeather three Acres or thereabouts (bee they more or less) now allsoe in the tenure of mee the said Edward Wright And allsoe All other my Messuages Lands closses Tenements and hereditaments with their appurtenances whatsoever in Neather Broughton aforesaid To Have and to hold thaforesaid Messuages Closses One Oxgange and a halfe of Land Comons Hereditaments and premisses with theire appurtenances herein before menconed to bee in Neather Broughton aforesd unto my said Sonne Robert Wright and to his Heires and assignes for ever
Butt my Will and Mind is that Mary my said Wife shall have and enjoy for the tearme of her Naturall life onely One Third parte in three Equall partes to bee devided of and in my aforesd Messuage Closses One Oxgange and a halfe of Land Comons Hereditaments and Premisses with their appurtenances hereinbefore menconed to bee devised unto my Sonne Robert Wright and his Heires and assignes for ever lieing and being in Neather Broughton aforesd in full satisfaccon of all her Dower and Thirds which by the Comon Law shee can or may claimed of into or out of the said premisses
And I doe give and bequeath unto the said Mary my said wife One Third parte of three Equall partes to bee devided of and in my aforesd Messuage Closses One Oxgange & a halfe of Land Comons Hereditaments and premises with theire appurtenances hereinbefore menconed to bee devised unto my said Sonne Robert Wright his Heires and assignes for ever lieing and being in Neather Broughton aforesd in full satisfaccon of all her Dower and Thirds which by the Comon Law she can or may claime of into or out of the same To Hold thaforesd One Third parte in Three Equall partes to bee devided of and in my aforesaid Messuage Closses One Oxgange and a halfe of Land Comons Hereditaments & premisses in Neather Broughton aforesd unto my said Wife Mary and her Assignes for and dureing her Naturall Life Onely
Item I doe give and bequeath unto my Daughter Elizabeth Wright the full and Just Sum of One Hundred and Threescore poundes of Lawfull Mony of England to bee well and truely paid unto her by my Extor hereafter named
Item I doe give and bequeath unto my Daughter Anne Wright the full and Just Sume of One Hundred and Forty pounds of Lawfull mony of England to bee well and truly paid unto her by my Extor hereafter Named
Butt my Will and Mind is that if either of my said Daughters Elizabeth or Anne Wright shall departe this Life before they or either of them doth attaine to the Age of One and Twenty Yeares or day of Marriadge which shall first happen then the Porcon of her soe dieing shall goe and bee Equally devided betwixt my said Two Sonns John Wright and Robt Wright and the Survivour of them and my Daughter that shall Survive
And my Will and mind is that if either of my said Daughters Elizabeth and Anne shall marry without the Consent and Good likeing of theire Brothers And the Overseers of this my last Will hereafter Named then the Porcon of her soe marrying without such consent and good likeing as aforesd shall Remaine in the Hands of my Extor to bee disposed for the use of her or them and their Heires and assignes as hee and my said Sonne John Wright and the overseers of this my Will or the Major parte of them shall thincke fit
Item I give unto my said Wife Mary the best bed and bedding and all Forniture belonging to it
Item My Will and Mind is that Thomas Garton of Claxton als Long Clawson aforesd my Loveing Brother in Law and my Sonne in Law Richard Wright of the same Towne and county Yeoman shall bee Overseers of this my last Will and Testament desireing them to take care that this my Will bee faithfully performed and to bee Aideing assisting with theire advice unto my Extor hereafter named
All the Rest of my Goods Chattles and Cattle soever unbequeathed After my Debts Legacies and Funerall Chardges are fully Satisfied and paid I give and bequeath unto my said Sonne Robert Wright whome I make full and Sole Extor of this my last Will and Testament And I doe hereby Revoke all former Wills and Testaments whatsoever heretofore by mee made
In Wittnesse whereof I the said Edward Wright have hereunto sett my Hand and Seale to each Sheete of this my last Will and Testament consisting of three sheetes the daye and Yeare first above written
Edward Wright
This Will was Subscribed Sealed and published in the presence of us
Char Brocklesby
Jo Brocklesby
A true and perfect Inventory of all the goods Cattle & Chattels of Edward Wright late of Neather Broughton in the County of Leicester yeoman deceased as the were made & valued by Robert Wright William Wright & Henry Browne the thirteenth day of March An: Dom: 1684/5
£ | s | d | |
Imp: His purse and apparell | 13 | 03 | 4 |
It: In the house two tables three Stooles foure Chaires & the materials about | |||
the fire | 01 | 12 | 6 |
It: In the great parlour one bed & bedding one table one Chest two Chaires | |||
a forme & a Stoole | 01 | 15 | 0 |
It: In the little parlour one bed & bedding one presse one Chest | 02 | 06 | 8 |
It: In the dairy foure brasse panns Six barrells with milke vessel & other | |||
implements | 03 | 07 | 8 |
It: In the kitchin a Copper & brewing vessel & three pans one brasse pot | |||
& other lumber | 06 | 06 | 8 |
It: In the Chamber over the house one bed & bedding one Chest corne & mault | 08 | 10 | 0 |
It: In the Cheese Chamber three bacon flitches Cheese & Cheese Shelves | |||
& other utensils | 02 | 10 | 0 |
It: pease barley oates & hay & manure in the yard | 50 | 00 | 0 |
It: Six mares five filleys & a bay mare | 95 | 00 | 0 |
It: two geldings one Coult & two Foales | 30 | 00 | 0 |
It: Foureteene Cowes five yeareling Calves | 35 | 00 | 0 |
It: Seven score & ten Sheepe | 65 | 00 | 0 |
It: Five swine and the pullin | 03 | 00 | 0 |
It: Carts & Cart geares plows & plow geares and other Implements for | |||
husbandry | 25 | 00 | 0 |
It Coales & bees | 01 | 06 | 8 |
It Eight oxgange & a halfe of Corne on the ground | 80 | 00 | 0 |
Lastly Al things seen or unseen & forgotten | 02 | 00 | 0 |
The Summ totall | 429 | 05 | 2 |
Robt Wright
William Wright
Henry Browne
Exhibited 18 March 1684